Posts on the forum showing up blank...


Active Member
I write a post/reply and an empty post appears. Halp?

Well, not here. But in the social groups>model building social group forum...


Staff member
I write a post/reply and an empty post appears. Halp?

Well, not here. But in the social groups>model building social group forum...

Yeah Ashya - forum software is getting old and buggy with latest version of the server code. We're looking at purchasing a major upgrade but it could take a few weeks. Unfortunately we just have to live with it for now :(


Junior Administrator
As a workaround, when you hit "new post" and then type your message and submit, I find that if the blank post does happen, you can hit the Back button in your browser and it will show the text box you had with the text you typed - highlight+copy it, then go forward again, edit your blank post and then attempt to repost.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yes, it's crap. Sorry about that. As Haven says, serious plans forming to fix that and stupid TS. Watch this space. Provided it isn't blank, that is... :P