'Call of Duty ruined a generation of FPS players'


Active Member
A: "Think you're good at FPS Games? Well play Call of Duty".

B: "I didn't know there were this many people who were also good at FPS Games."

A: "Well, actually its not that you nor they are good, its that Call of Duty makes it hard to tell the difference".

B: "So you're saying that they make it so that I appear worse than I am by providing a handicap to everyone else; That no one knows about?"


New Member
Very interesting article. Makes a lot of sense - Call of Duty and the like are the "junk food" of the gaming world. Instant gratification but with very little substance, risk or depth.

Jonathan Blow (developer of Braid) did an interesting lecture a few years ago where he talks about games like CoD being very "cheap" in terms of their gameplay elements and player response. Video: