[i45] BF3 Community Cup


Junior Administrator
So Multiplay are hosting an 8v8 BF3 cup competition at i45, and it's something I'd like to take part in, as the rules are precisely what Battlefield is all about.

It's 8v8 Conquest, but anything goes, however Killcam and 3D spotting will be disabled, and you will only be able to spawn on the squad leader (a la BF2).

Do we have people here that are attending i45 that would like to take part? All teams must be signed up IN FULL a week before the tournament starts, so i'd like to see about getting this sorted sooner rather than later.

The matches will likely start on Saturday morning/afternoon, possibly continuing on into Sunday depending on how far into the tournament we get. If you want to take part in this, please bear this in mind, as it is a time commitment for the LAN.

I will reach out to our friends in other clans (Jimmy/Hypno, Team [woob]) and see what they are doing, and maybe whether or not we could join up with those guys, should it be needed.


If you're short on numbers I'll join in - slowly been playing more and more BF3 (and almost improving. possibly. probably not....) :p


Junior Administrator
So Multiplay are hosting an 8v8 BF3 cup competition at i45, and it's something I'd like to take part in, as the rules are precisely what Battlefield is all about.

It's 8v8 Conquest, but anything goes, however Killcam and 3D spotting will be disabled, and you will only be able to spawn on the squad leader (a la BF2).

Do we have people here that are attending i45 that would like to take part? All teams must be signed up IN FULL a week before the tournament starts, so i'd like to see about getting this sorted sooner rather than later.

The matches will likely start on Saturday morning/afternoon, possibly continuing on into Sunday depending on how far into the tournament we get. If you want to take part in this, please bear this in mind, as it is a time commitment for the LAN.

I will reach out to our friends in other clans (Jimmy/Hypno, Team [woob]) and see what they are doing, and maybe whether or not we could join up with those guys, should it be needed.


Junior Administrator
Yea so this has now turned into some 6v6 infantry only pile of shite thanks to the "pro" teams bitching so i'm out.


Junior Administrator
Infantry only is SOO much better than conquest so I'm happy to play whatever. Unlike bloke who is a big girly girl pants I just want to play BF3. Every big tournament at a LAN is going to have pro teams who are going to rape you in whatever format happens to be played.

In a tournament format the game plays better 6v6, vehicles with good drivers at that level make the game shit. This doesn't really change my feeling on playing at LAN. Going to be playing whatever format it is. We will get owned either way.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Having read the multiplay thread, I really feel for you bloke.

There are not even any arguments put down in that thread AT ALL for why 6v6 is better. No evidence presented, no logic used, no evidence of intelligent life on the other side of the argument.

You and spicy and a few others deserve a pat on the back for remaining civil in my opinion.

The only counterargument that was even remotely intelligible was 'the prize money is too low, no one will bother unless it's dropped to 6v6' - If the prize money is too low, and you can't be bothered to come, well, that's a personal choice. I refuse to believe that you can't identify a team of 8 players that want to play a proper battlefield game. Claiming that an 8v8 game requires more than 8 players beggars belief. It's not like players are fainting in their seats, and you need subs for fuck's sake.


Junior Administrator
Having read the multiplay thread, I really feel for you bloke.

There are not even any arguments put down in that thread AT ALL for why 6v6 is better. No evidence presented, no logic used, no evidence of intelligent life on the other side of the argument.

You and spicy and a few others deserve a pat on the back for remaining civil in my opinion.

The only counterargument that was even remotely intelligible was 'the prize money is too low, no one will bother unless it's dropped to 6v6' - If the prize money is too low, and you can't be bothered to come, well, that's a personal choice. I refuse to believe that you can't identify a team of 8 players that want to play a proper battlefield game. Claiming that an 8v8 game requires more than 8 players beggars belief. It's not like players are fainting in their seats, and you need subs for fuck's sake.

Yea that was my main problem. I repeatedly asked WHY 6v6 was somehow better - it seems that the only reason it is "better" is simply because that is the way that things are done, and my opinion really doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
I like the point where the LAN event became more about getting more people there with the promise of extra money, than about the fun of LAN gaming. Really wished I lived down in Soton with most of you guys, as then I'd skip the iSeries altogether and just attend the Soton LANs.


Junior Administrator
ok here are some reasons why 6v6 makes more sense.

1. most teams, not just pros that have been playing matches have been playing 6v6. Thus they have teams. It makes sense to stick to this structure.

2. The argument of prize money for the prize teams is a serious thing. Teams used to come from all over Europe (on a few occasions the world). This happens less now the sponsors are less interested paying for their guys to go to events where they are not making enough for it to be worthwhile from a business point.

3. 8v8 with a good set of vehicle drivers is too great a force multiplier in a game where one LAV can lock down a set of points with perhaps one engi as support. I'm not just saying this because I prefer being on foot. The same was true in 2142, the competitive format that became most popular was one without walkers. At one point I was the best walker driver in the 2 leagues I played in, I could pretty happily sit between 2 silos and hold them against the majority of an opposing team. Just imagine what a pro tank/LAV driver is going to do.

4. Fielding an 8 man team at a LAN is trickier than you would think. Even THN who now have a decent compliment of people going will struggle to put out a team let alone a competitive one. The pool of BF3 players that want to play in a tournament is not big enough to allow buffer for those mercs who want to form teams.

5. Don't get me started on jets/helis on 8v8. Bottom line whoever wins the first dogfight just won the round everyone else give up and go home.

6. The argument of if I wanted inf only I'd play cod can diaf. If you want to play a game full of perks and ridiculousness you'd play CoD. BF3 works very well inf only. Inf only also makes much more sense when you only have 1/2 squads. If you think that the mechanics of BF3 are even similar to the way that CoD's are then I'm afraid there is no hope for you and you should hang up your mouse. Having said that, the most successful competitive tournament games have been CS, COD4 and TF2. Each of those were kept in a limited format of those games to an extent to make it the most exciting competition it could be. CS and TF2 massively out lived any BF game because they lend themselves to tournament play better.

7. The people who have ACTUALLY BEEN PLAYING LEAGUE MATCHES SAY IT IS. That is the most important point. All the main players arguing for the 6v6 format are all people who have been playing in online leagues since the launch. In the process of setting up leagues people play all the formats and find the best one that works. The same thing happens in all games, there is an optimal format for tournament play.

I'm personally not that bothered what I play, ultimately I'll enjoy getting full of sugar and raging at whatever format it is. We will get ploughed in an 8v8 worse than we would in a 6v6. Unless we were to pick say our 4 best and steal the 4 best of a team like woob say but that then leaves others who perhaps want to play unable to.