[i47] Travel plans


Junior Administrator
I wanted to make a thread about this to make it clear how everyone is getting there to make sure everyone is covered.

There is no LANBUS due to no bacon :( and Vibs having a mental week prior to LAN.

I am travelling with Fish (mate from work/tbg) in his car.

So how is everyone else getting themselves to LAN. Tapley Bear has just posted offering a lift from soton so may be worth the likes of Pingue to jump on that if you haven't already sorted yourselves.


Junior Administrator
In anticipation of the lack of LANBUS, I have sorted a lift with my friend Alex (Eagle).

He's also sharing my hotel room.


I have no plans currently, so will chase up that other offer if nothing is forthcoming from anyone on here in the next few days :D


In Cryo Sleep
I have no idea. I'm not going up until thursday after work though so it may all just go tits up and I end up not going if I can't find a lift.

Should probably look for one.