1.9 patch

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The 1.9 patch will be being applied overnight tonight. According to Fileplanet, the patch will include:

This is the latest World of Warcraft patch adding several new pieces of content to the popular MMORPG. This recent patch includes the new dungeon Ahn'Qiraj, new armor models, linked auction houses, multiple battleground queues and much much more!

Patch 1.9: The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj


The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj will house two massive, unique dungeons - the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, a 20-man raid dungeon, and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a 40-man raid dungeon. As players delve deeper into the mysteries of Ahn'Qiraj, they will discover revelations of the Silithid infestation and their shadowy masters, the Qiraji. Players will have to complete a world event of massive proportions before they can open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj on their realm.
Read The War of the Shifting Sands and learn about the history of Silithus and Ahn'Qiraj.

New Armor Models

Many high-level class armor sets are receiving a complete graphical overhaul! Check out the concepts and screen captures below:

Linked Auction Houses

Planned for launch in patch 1.9, players will discover that they can buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the highly anticipated Linked Auction House System. Horde players will find that the Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of player-created auctions. Similarly, Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well. Tanaris, Everlook, and Booty Bay will all be linked for players of both factions to access. In addition, the "Looking for Group" and "Trade" channels have been unified among the corresponding cities, meaning you can trade your goods or look for groups in Ironforge while in Stormwind!

Multiple Battlegrounds Queues

Players will be able to enter multiple battleground queues! No longer must you make the hard decision of which queue to join -- when queued for all three, you can join the first one available or hold out for that special Battleground you're really seeking. You can also be in the queue for a battleground while inside a different battleground.

Raid Dungeons

In 1.9, the way raid timers are handled will undergo a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset times are as follows:
Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance.
Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance
Onyxia: Every 5 Days
Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days
The resets, if not during weekly maintenance, are planned to occur during off-hours when the least amount of raids are active. We plan on implementing a calendar of sorts on the website to help you better plan out your particular raid schedule. There are many reasons why this particular approach was chosen; we've gone over a multitude of options and felt that this change would be best in the long run.
As the reset time approaches, if you are in the instance, you will be informed of the impending reset every hour on the hour. 15 minutes before the reset, the reminders become more frequent; once the reset time is reached, all players in the instance will be ported to their bind point. You can access your saved raid status at any time via /raidinfo, and you will be informed of your status regarding an instance when you zone into the dungeon.

We know that this change is a major one for raiding guilds; we've done our utmost to make the reset times as convenient as possible for the majority of our players. All saved instances will be reset when 1.9 goes live to accommodate this change.

Timbermaw Hold 1.9 Reputations Rewards Preview

We're constantly updating our Reputation Reward pages and wanted to provide you with a special preview of what's in store next patch for players friendly through exalted with the Timbermaw Hold Faction. Check it out here.

Paladin Talent Update

Have you been curious about the changes concerning Paladin talents in the upcoming content patch? Wonder no longer! In this interactive preview of the changes, you can view the progression, read up on the new abilities and enhancements within the various trees, and experiment with new builds!

And much more

Available from Fileplanet, amongst other places:



Junior Administrator
Staff member
I was online yesterday afternoon and had to swap my Paladins talents after the patch..... was interesting. I've never been one to overanalyse the stats of my characters (how much damage I am doing etc.) I just tend to go with how hard a battle I have against characters my lvl or above and or groups. But I found the new setup for Paladins quite cool.

Don't know if that had anything to do with me getting my new weapon at the same time or not? :)


Saying that I've just realised my lvl 28 paladin has probably outgrown it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Looks like some bugs may have been introduced. I was playing my Tauren Druid and he's just hit level 8. I was cashing in my Rite of Vision quest and I was supposed to, well, see a vision. No vision arrived. Not for me nor, apparently, for a load of other people trying to do exactly the same thing. I didn't get a reply in the hour after I sent my petition in, but I'm hopeful that it'll be fixed in relatively short order.