1 Billion Windows Users - Discuss


Junior Administrator
1 Billion Windows Users Worldwide

For starters this amazes me, but I thought it would a good place to start an interesting topic. I'm not looking here for blah this OS is better than this os so ner, but more aiming for a qualified and quantified discussion on OS's in general, which is better and in what field.

Also, as a bit of a ruleset keep linux as linux rather than attempting to discern all possible distributions. Different releases of a product can be discussed, but still with aim to the overall productline, for example Os X 10.3,10.4,10.5 are all part of the Os X line. Server OS's can be thought of as a seperate line from desktop os's however (Windows Server/Longhorn OS X Server, Linux as a Server Distribution)

If you feel you have an argument for another OS not mentioned by me, feel free to include it. Lets see what happens!


New Member
when ive got time and money and my own computer, im gonna learn a bit about computers and try out linux. ive heard great things.

for fear of execution, id have to say that microsoft is the easiest to use and ive also got to say that bill gates has done very well in business terms. in comparison with the rest of the market, microsoft is a ford anglia to apples triumph stag, yet microsoft has managed to nearly monopolise the market.


Junior Administrator
Microsoft ain't an OS but I'm going to presume you are talking about XP.
XP is still my OS of choice, I be a gamer and me likey films and media type things. Most of the things I do on a PC are ideally fulfilled by XP. It simply comes down to what you want to use the PC for as to what OS you use. OK using Linux is good as it be free but it has drawbacks that can be overcome but it takes a lot longer. Windows both sucks and blows at a lot of things, however on the most part I don't get too many issues from my windows box and it mostly does whats it's told.


Active Member
Windows and all its incarnations(alot) - so, which windows OS has the most of a previous one in it?