10 things you didnt know about...THINGY


In Cryo Sleep
1) Thingy once popped his trinkets, had power infusion and cast Typhoon. It critted, we call the result "The Maelstrom"

2) Thingy IS prepared.

3) Thingy is the Lich Queen

4)Thingy's Starfire cannot miss. It cannot be resisted. No amount of resilience can stop it critting. It cannot be pushbacked, it cannot be interrupted, it cannot be silenced. It can, however, be dodged.

5) Thingy can Starfire the moon

6) Thingy's "Wrath" spell is actually called "Bored". Nobody walked away from the spell he cast when he was angry.

7)We are ALL Thingy's treants.

8)Thingy is the only thing in existance which can win a dance off with a Tree Form Druid.

9)Thingy may be Jesus. Nobody can work up the courage to ask him.

10) Chuck Norris once mated with Wonderwoman. Thingy was the result.


Well-Known Member
12) Thingy has missed twice ever with Starfire. The results have come to be known as "Un'goro Crater" and "Sholazar Basin"


Well-Known Member
14) Blizzard don't have the guts to tell Thingy his name is in violation of the RP rules.


Staff member
Then you may be dismayed to hear...

15) Thingy's effective range is currently expanding at the same rate as the universe. Don't mistake this for a coincidence.


In Cryo Sleep
17. The ONLY way to kill Thingy is to speak his name backwards.....but since nobody can pronounce 'Ygniht' properly he has never actually died! :eek: