Of course the best advert EVER has to be for Cossacks: Art of War.
The sketch: A guy is sitting in his living room, on his laptop (playing Art of War, presumably). His wife/ girlfriend comes in, looking slightly grumpy and quite tired, so she takes off her bag and then shoves him affectionately on the shoulder. So he turns round for a second, and holds her hand. And then, with a competely blank expression, he lets go, turns back to the laptop, hits a button, which releases a huge wooden pole which promptly whacks the wife/ girlfriend out of the living room window. At which point the guy just puts his feet up on the table and goes back to playing, while all you can see behind him is the pole swinging to a stop. GENIUS!
Sorry if I've not explained that well enough, later on (once I'm home) I'll upload the video for you to see
