12 go to Riederalp - A collection of skiing videos by Vibs & Bacon


Junior Administrator
So.. Bacon and I are skiing this year, and having taken loads of footage before but not done anything with it, this year we made the decision to do a series of short videos on our trip. I have no idea how many of you are skiers, but they might be interesting!

Constructive criticism always welcome!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Staff member
So so jealous ... THN meet 2013 on ski's !!!! ;)

No criticism other than its a little dark. Tweaking the brightness balance a little would make for a little easier viewing (could be my laptop though ...).

Loving the sheer amount of tech you take with you for a ski'ing holiday :)

p.s. only watched day 1 so far - will watch day 2 in a few mins.