2.4 Tomorrow


Junior Administrator
Accordint to what I have been reading on the WoW forums, the PTR is now closed and 2.4 is going to be released tomorrow :)


so another 3 weeks of downtime whenever they try and fix bugs? ;)


Well-Known Member
2.4 is going to be pure win... been waiting for this for sooo long.

For those who are interested, a few quick things:

-Daily quest cap upped to 25 per day, and 51 new dailies added, including Halaa and Bone Wastes dailies
-The Isle of Quel'danas added, with its own faction, enormous load of quests, a 5-man dungeon, and a 25-man raid ending in preventing Kil'jaedan, lord of the Burning Legion, from getting into the world
-New Arena 0.5 sets available to buy for gold, once you reach honoured with various factions (Lower City, Keepers of Time, Sha'tar, Thrallmar and Cenarion Expedition)
-No diminishing honour returns for killing players in PvP, and honour is calculated instantly now (no more waiting for 3am server time)
-New Heroic Badge rewards, some on the level of Black Temple loot (for the cost of 150 badges a piece...)
-25 man bosses drop additional tier set tokens, plus heroic badges and more gold
-Lots of other shinies

I are teh excited!


Junior Administrator
Things I have noticed from reading:

  • Druids getting nerfed.
  • I can summon all you slackers into instances now!
  • Elauria and Sabot will now have to stop hoarding Mana bikkits - there is now a limit of 80 that you can carry.


-New Heroic Badge rewards, some on the level of Black Temple loot (for the cost of 150 badges a piece...)QUOTE]

The new badge loot is for lazy people who wanna gear for BT + asap instead of working hard for it making it feel better when you first equip it


Active Member
Meh, won't be able to enjoy this new patch if it is released tomorrow. My subscription ran out recently and I have insufficient funds to enable it again :(


Well-Known Member
-New Heroic Badge rewards, some on the level of Black Temple loot (for the cost of 150 badges a piece...)QUOTE]

The new badge loot is for lazy people who wanna gear for BT + asap instead of working hard for it making it feel better when you first equip it

...or for people who want to gear up but don't want to (or can't) get into a big raid guild and deal with all the hardcore raiding attitude... or who have extremely sucky luck with drops (ref: Umbrator, he of the year-static gear)

Besides, 150 badges? You have to WORK for that. That's a lot of successful Heroic runs. If you're saying that isn't anything at all, you clearly know nowt about it, mate.


New Member
I have 61 BoJ's horded already, when that armoury opens I will be buying that T6 healing mace of shinies


my priest had 200 at one point, 20+ from one full kara run, plus due to your class (mage) being well wanted in heroics, you shouldnt have problems getting groups, dont be scared of PuG's from one bad experience or w.e., take whatever group you can get.


New Member
I really doubt having to do heroic after heroic as well as karazhan god knows how many times cause these to become "welfare epics", thats the PvP ones...

And I PuGed Gruuls the other day, left after the first wipe as the entire group's tanks fell within under 30 seconds