2.4 is going to be pure win... been waiting for this for sooo long.
For those who are interested, a few quick things:
-Daily quest cap upped to 25 per day, and 51 new dailies added, including Halaa and Bone Wastes dailies
-The Isle of Quel'danas added, with its own faction, enormous load of quests, a 5-man dungeon, and a 25-man raid ending in preventing Kil'jaedan, lord of the Burning Legion, from getting into the world
-New Arena 0.5 sets available to buy for gold, once you reach honoured with various factions (Lower City, Keepers of Time, Sha'tar, Thrallmar and Cenarion Expedition)
-No diminishing honour returns for killing players in PvP, and honour is calculated instantly now (no more waiting for 3am server time)
-New Heroic Badge rewards, some on the level of Black Temple loot (for the cost of 150 badges a piece...)
-25 man bosses drop additional tier set tokens, plus heroic badges and more gold
-Lots of other shinies
I are teh excited!