2011 media you're looking forward to


In Cryo Sleep
As the title says, this might be interesting. What media that will come out in 2011 are you looking forward to and why? Here are my own:


Ghost Story by Jim Butcher. The next story in the Dresden Files series, and after the cliffhanger in Changes I really want to know what happens next...


Game of Thrones. The tv adaptation of George R. R. Martin's awesome A Song of Ice and Fire series, done by HBO. What I've seen so far has been really nice, I just hope we're getting a way to see it properly in the Netherlands...

Doctor Who series 6. Series 5 was awesome and left quite a lot of plot hooks for this season. Can't wait to see more of Matt Smith as the crazy awesome time traveler.


Gundam Unicorn. OVA 3 will be out in march, and I'm expecting another 4-month wait to the next one. If these are anywhere near as good as the first two (I consider them some of the best mecha anime ever), they'll be a must-have. If only they were released on DVD in Europe.

The Mahou Sensei Negima movie. Following the pretty decent OVA's released this year, this movie should cover one of the best fights in manga history: Negi vs Jack Rakan. If they manage to do the fight justice, this should be amazing.

Video Games:

The 3DS. Just the Ocarina of Time remake will sell me on this system if the reviews are any good, and there are more interesting titles in the lineup. The Super Robot Wars game would be especially cool (if it comes to Europe).

Tabletop Games:

Warmachine: Wrath. The new expansion book for my primary tabletop wargame (40k just can't keep me interested for long) should offer some nice new toys to use and cool mini's to pust around the tabletop.


In Cryo Sleep
That's because i'm not making any assumptions about its release date... :D While I am certainly hoping for a 2011 release, I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member

A dance with dragons!
Republic of Thieves - Scott Lynch


Sucker Punch


More of

The Walking Dead
The new Invincible hardcover.


Diablo 3?


The release of the Battle of the Bulge book(s) for Flames of War.


An update, any update to geist panik!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, I think I'm going to have some longer lists. Doesn't imply I think they'll all be awesome, just that they're on my plan:


(Links to trailers at TrailerAddict.)

Video Games

(Links to trailers at Eurogamer.)


I'm really not reading much of anything so can't specifically say I'm looking forward to a 2011 release of something. I've a generic wish for A Dance With Dragons, but it's the book after that I really want 'cause I want to know more about Arya (damnit!).


I don't doubt there'll be various bits of trance and progressive that I'll pick up through the year, courtesy of Armin or Above & Beyond, but don't know what that is just yet. Looking forward to Armin's year mix on Thursday this week, but that's looking back not forward.

Board Games

I have a tendency to wait for reviews before buying, and then buy sparingly, so I find I buy stuff that's years old rather than looking for the newest stuff... I'm sure I'll pick up a thing or three but, again, not sure they'll be 2011 releases.


In Cryo Sleep
Concerning a Dance With Dragons, I believe GRRM said there will be a few chapters for characters in southern Westeros and Braavos near the end of Dance too, so there might still be some Arya in there. Which I's enjoy too, as Arya's probably my favourite among the Starks. I also hope we'll see more of Sandor, though that might take another book (or more).

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hmm, I think I'm going to have some longer lists. Doesn't imply I think they'll all be awesome, just that they're on my plan:


I'm really not reading much of anything so can't specifically say I'm looking forward to a 2011 release of something. I've a generic wish for A Dance With Dragons, but it's the book after that I really want 'cause I want to know more about Arya (damnit!).

Concerning a Dance With Dragons, I believe GRRM said there will be a few chapters for characters in southern Westeros and Braavos near the end of Dance too, so there might still be some Arya in there. Which I's enjoy too, as Arya's probably my favourite among the Starks. I also hope we'll see more of Sandor, though that might take another book (or more).

Don't want to burst your bubble guys, but I think we're being WILDLY optimistic if we think we'll get another book beyond 'A dance with Dragons'

Considering how he's faffed, and how old he is, I don't think he'll live to write another one, If he even finishes this one.

And True Grit ronin? I was a bit upset that they were remaking it. - You can't beat the Duke.


New Member

Green Hornet
The Thing


Mahou Sensei Negima Movie - Being a massive fan of the manga and finally glad they are following them properly during the OVAs.

Beelzebub - Again, since the manga was hilarious this is a sure hit

Mitsudomoe Zoryochu! - Basically Mistudomoe 2nd series, one of the most risque but hilarious anime's I have watched over the past year


Pokemon Black and White (NDS)
Dragon Age 2 (PC/PS3/360)
Deus Ex: Humen Revolution (PC/PS3/360)
F.E.A.R. 3 (PC/PS3/360)
Portal 2 (PC/PS3/360)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC/PS3/360)
Mass Effect 3 (PC/PS3/360)


In Cryo Sleep

A Dance With Dragons, and that's about it. I tend not to look forward in terms of books because I've only gotten into reading over the last couple of years; there's such a huge amount of catchup reading for me to take care of it isn't even funny.


Mass Effect 3 - because the first two were nothing short of sensational. Console games with a single-player focus and rich storyline are definitely my favourite.

Uncharted 3 - Without a doubt my most anticipated release of 2011. Uncharted 1 was brilliant, Uncharted 2 was revolutionary and I hope that Uncharted 3 can live up to its predecessors.

That's all! I like to just go with the flow, mostly. Especially with regards to films, which are hard to look forward to because of their mercurial nature. Even films with the most interesting concepts and bombastic of trailers can turn into absolute duds.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Well, I currently have a dance with dragons in my hand now...

So, after finishing this:

Up until the final 100 pages or so, I felt that maybe he could tie the story up in one final book. Everything was being set up for the return of the 'rightful' dynasty to westeros, with Aegon's emergence and the introduction of John Connington, and the maturation (FINALLY) of Daenerys' storyline. Stuff on the wall was beginning to come to a peak, and with Cersei's power broken in King's Landing, there was nothing left but petty squabbles between the Tyrells and the remnants of the Lanisters over scraps. The last 100 pages or so changed everything for me. With rumours of Stannis having been crushed outside Winterfell by the Boltons, and Euron and Victarion's quest to bring the dragons to heel, and John Snow's apparent murder leaves no Lord Commander to the watch, winter has well and truly come for the north. I can't see any end in sight for the storyline in the North. The story of the Starks as a whole begins to stagnate, with Rickon vanished into thin air since book 3/4, Bran sitting around talking to trees (one of my least interested plotlines, just feels totally superfluous to me), Arya becoming an assassin, but not really going anywhere, and Sansa getting virtually no facetime in this book either, I feel there needs to be a significant chunk of a book dedicated to progressing and tying up these plotlines. God only knows what's happening with the Brienne/Jaime/Zombie caitlyn storyline, which got little play as well. I suppose Sansa/Littlefinger and the Vale was progressed in Feast for Crows, but Brienne, Jaime and Zombie lady stark aren't exactly close to finding ANY of the kids.

The Dorne storyline seems to have shuddered to a halt, with the introduction, and then almost immediate barbecuing of Quentyn Martell. I fully expect Doran Martell to try to marry his daughter forgot the name, she got no face time) to Aegon, though this may be in jeopardy since Connington et al want to marry Aegon to Daenarys, and Martell might be a LITTLE pissed at the rebuffing (then toasting) of his son by Rhaegal. Overall though, I feel Dorne will throw in with the Targaryens. I also get the feeling that Highgarden and the Tyrells will too. There is plenty of not particularly subtle forshadowing that many Houses remain secretly loyal to the Targaryens (particularly hinting that the Tyrells may be one such house). Mace has been faffing at Storms end, and with the death of Kevan Lannister in the epilogue, Lannister power seems well and truly crushed, not to mention Loras Tyrell's apparent disfigurement by boiling oil? - Sandor Clegane/Jaime Lannister Mk. 2? - Don't really know what GRRM is doing with this. Clegane was my favourite character and is apparently dead (sob). Did we really need another hidiously burned /maimed and changed their ways (Jaime) storyline? - No, in my opinion, which may be why GRRM wrote Loras out of the story. God knows what's going on with Qyburn's reanimated Gregor Clegane though. Don't know about Myrcella. A Myrcella/Darkstar/random kingsguard member who's name I forget seems possible.

Tyrion's storyline seems set for an inevitable crash collision course with Daenarys'.
No movement whatsoever in Sam Tarly's story.

Overall, I feel like:

Daenarys will return to Westeros soon. Her story is about to join with Tyrion/Jorah Mormont's, is intimately associated with that of the Dornish, and Euron/Victarion are ready to crash the party with their dirty dragonhorn. - This story seems peaking/drawing to a close/realigning with the Westeros threads, including the new one with Aegon.

The 'Lannister's abuse power/incest thread' is coming to a swift end, with Jaime and Tyrion barely Lannisters, and Cersei's power broken. Highgarden seems set to split with Lannister and join Aegon IMHO, though they do hate the Dornish... can Aegon win both Tyrell and Dorne to his cause? - It's all over in that case. Though a thought that just struck me, with Margaery married to Tommen, will Mace attempt to keep the Lannisters in power for his own gain? Or will he discover the Lannister plots/accept the incest and attempt to marry Margaery to YET ANOTHER king?

This is where I was thinking, hmm, one more apocalyptic book could end all this nicely.


The Stark threads just keep diverging/going nowhere. Arya goes further and further from relevance, Sansa still seems relevent to what will happen with the Eyrie(SP?) but with Aegon's appearance, that thread seems less important. Rickon has been written out of the book altogether. I honestly don't give a crap about Bran's treehugging and werewolfing, and he seems utterly irrelevant to the plot. Jon Snow seems very, VERY dead, leaving Sam Tarly fairly irrelevant too. The wall and the north is going to hell in a hand basket, Stannis is apparently dead, who know's what is going on with THeon and Asha, though with Euron/Victarion doing their thing, these two seem ripe for either being used against Euron, or being written out of the story, probably by the sadistic Bastard of Bolton. All the while, shit hits the fan beyond the wall.

The storyline in the north seems further from resolution than ever.

So my opinion stands as I think we need at least 2 more books to finish this. Which seems unlikely, since GRRM is old and seems likely to die soon. 2/3 of this book were chapters removed from Feast for Crows, which he had written prior to the release of that book, but pulled them out, due to unwieldy length. 'New' material is only maybe 400 pages worth. - He's slowing down his writing speed. This does not bode well.

Winter is coming.


Active Member
I'm waiting for my new beloved Kindle, then will be buying it. I would have brought it on release, but I'm afraid another book in my already book filled room will cause the collapse of reality around it and create a rift in L-Space causing a 'fiction black hole' fiction, turning any book that enters it into a novel by Dan Brown regardless of original quality. Dear God *shudders*

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for my new beloved Kindle, then will be buying it. I would have brought it on release, but I'm afraid another book in my already book filled room will cause the collapse of reality around it and create a rift in L-Space causing a 'fiction black hole' fiction, turning any book that enters it into a novel by Dan Brown regardless of original quality. Dear God *shudders*

I wonder if your room looks like my room. Which looks more and more like a library. DON'T be tempted to click the spoilers tab. That's all my thoughts on where the series goes from here. According to my officemate, there should only be one more book though I find it difficult to think he can wrap everything back up in 1 book, unless its about 2000 pages.


Active Member
I wonder if your room looks like my room. Which looks more and more like a library. DON'T be tempted to click the spoilers tab. That's all my thoughts on where the series goes from here. According to my officemate, there should only be one more book though I find it difficult to think he can wrap everything back up in 1 book, unless its about 2000 pages.

I've heard your room is a lot worse than mine, to be fair. I didn't take a lot of my books with me when I moved so it could be worse, but considering the size of my room it looks like a literary nuke has gone off in it.

Apparently there are supposed to be 7 books in the series, but I don't know if he's counting 'A Feast For Crows' and 'A Dance With Dragons' as 1 book so maybe there's 2 more.


Junior Administrator
I wonder if your room looks like my room. Which looks more and more like a library. DON'T be tempted to click the spoilers tab. That's all my thoughts on where the series goes from here. According to my officemate, there should only be one more book though I find it difficult to think he can wrap everything back up in 1 book, unless its about 2000 pages.

A trick that the author of the most recent "series" of books that I finished (The Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven K Erikson) did, was to do precisely that and split the final book into two halves of around 800-900 pages each.

He even apologised for having to do so in the preface of the last book, but still, the cliffhanger at the end of the first half of the climax wasn't particularly welcome :(

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
A Game of Thrones
A clash of kings
A storm of Swords: 1: Steel and Snow
2: Blood and Gold
A feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons

So, that could be anywhere between 4 and six books, really, depending on counting storm of swords as one, or crows and dragons as one.

I would probably count storm of swords as one, but crows and dragons separately.

Wikipedia suggests 2 more forthcoming:

'The Winds of Winter' and 'A dream of Spring'

Which would certainly fit my opinion on how many books he needs to finish the story.

I would humbly suggest Winds of Winter would deal mostly with the goings on in the north and at the wall, whilst Spring would tidy things up generally, particularly down south.

Edit: He's actually nowhere near as old as I had been informed. He's only 62. He can squeeze another 2 books out of that...