[2142] League

Should we Do the League ?!

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Junior Administrator
This is separate from the Ladder we have joined in Enemy Down, this is a Competition rather than just matches.

URL = http://enemydown.co.uk/league.php?event=237

I have signed up, we can always drop out if its a no Go ...

It is an Infantry League, This means we will need to get some games going ! and practice !

( Im half asleep will post more in detail later on. )

1 - All normal ED rules apply, unless otherwise stated in this section.

2 - All games will be played on a clan server, clans in the League/Cup MUST have their own server which is PsB streaming to play matches on. If your server isn't streaming then you will have to play on your opponents server. If neither clan has a streaming server please contact an admin, who will arrange a suitable server.


4 - NO RDX and APM ( C4/ Claymores )

5 - ALL UNLOCKS are on by default (Including Northern Strike unlocks), clans can agree between them if they wish no unlocks/ tier 1 unlocks, but BOTH clans must agree to change from the ED default.

6 - NO VEHICLES - use will lead to a default win to your opponent ( screenshot or battlerecorder required )

7 - Default team sizes is 6 v 6 - more/less can be arranged by mutual agreement ( Min 5 v 5, Max 8 v 8 ) - Please post in the match comments as to avoid any confusion and conflicts.

8 - In the event where a cheating accusation is confirmed, then the clan with the cheater will be removed from the league and any further punishment will be at the admins discretion.

9 - Abuse towards other clans or the admins will not be tolerated. The punishment for abuse will be determined by the admins and can result in a point deduction, player/s suspension or removal from EnemyDown.

10 - Clans are entitled to reschedule Cup matches, AT LEAST 48 hours to request a reschedule must be given. All matches must be played by 11pm the following Sunday of the original scheduled date. Requests should be sent to Carwash, Jellybaby or Bert.

11 - In the event of a no show a default will be awarded with the result being 400-0.

12 - All matches will be played over 4 x 20min rounds (2 maps, 2 rounds on each map).

13 - Should there be any problems with the match server the game can be swapped over to the other clans server ( which must be PsB streaming ) or the match will be rescheduled for another time.

14 - Pausing during the game is allowed. The only acceptable reason for pausing is if 2 or more players drop from the same team, 1 pause per team, per round.

15 - If a team drops out they will try to be replaced, their remaining results will stand.

16 - A representative from each clan should be in #enemydown.bf2142 on quakenet at least half an hour before any matches to ease communication. (This rule is not mandatory, but just a suggestion to try and make matches go smoother).
This league runs for 7 weeks and contains a total of 16 clans. Matches take place on Monday. Clans must enter the Battlefield 2142 - 16 Player Infantry ladder before being eligible for this league event.

Week 1: Belgrade16, Tunis16
Week 2: Gibraltar16, Berlin16
Week 3: Cerbere16, Gibraltar16
Week 4: Berlin16, Cerbere16
Week 5: Tunis16, Belgrade16
Week 6: Gibraltar16, Minsk16
Week 7: Cerbere16, Verdun16


Junior Administrator
I've voted yes, but can only really make sundays, and not all of those at that, depends on uni work!


Junior Administrator
I'm going to vote yes, although I myself am unable to make Mondays - This will give others a chance to get in there and get signed up!


In Cryo Sleep
im up for it, im not the best player we got but im available most days unless something unexpected pops up


Will be a big commitment if doing ladder as well, but if people turn up the excitment will be worth it!!