[2142] Request DTV


Junior Administrator
Match ID: 518003




Fri 23rd Nov 2007
PsB Streaming:
Invalid server address supplied

Rules: Conquest,UK Time,8v8,2 x 20 mins,our ts ip: liniste.com


Yes, No ? They've been beaten By |GW| but the last match they played

Personally I think 2142 has passed its prime, especially with all the new games out now ..


Junior Administrator
As a non-lover of TF2 I will be up for this but I am thinking that with TF2 being scheduled on one of our regular match nights I think we should consider leaving the ED ladder for 2142.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
That said, TF2 clan matches haven't started so I wouldn't give up on it 'til TF2 is a little more real and in-flow than it is just now!

Also, do you think you've got too much cross-over on TF2 players to make 2142 a success? Seems to me that you've got some exclusive players in both camps and only a 30% crossover or something...?


Come off it thatbloke...... I think that's a bit of a sweeping suggestion to suggest we as a clan leave the BF2142 league!?

The BF2142 league campaign is progressing well and a suggestion like that only attempts to undermine the effort and time that traxdata and waterproofbob have put in, giving albeit a selected few some fantastic fps excitement and success.


Junior Administrator
Come off it thatbloke...... I think that's a bit of a sweeping suggestion to suggest we as a clan leave the BF2142 league!?

The BF2142 league campaign is progressing well and a suggestion like that only attempts to undermine the effort and time that traxdata and waterproofbob have put in, giving albeit a selected few some fantastic fps excitement and success.

Well on second thought maybe it was a little far fetched to suggest jacking the whole thing in... but having TF2 practice on a wednesday night means we will have to find another night to play matches other than the league matches if we want to


In Cryo Sleep
Orange box still available? if so i shall buy it next weekend therefore i can play TF2 and join in with clan then hopefully

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Orange box still available?

Certainly is. $49.95 now it has been released. Was $5 cheaper pre-release. But I imagine it'll remain perpetually available.

If TF2 is really all you're interested in then you can buy that individually for $29.95. Frankly, though, I'd get the Orange Box, if only for Portal ($19.95 individually).

Isn't this somewhat off topic, though?


In Cryo Sleep
Well I think that BF2142 is about to die for THN, everyone is moving onto different games and with COD4 out it appears it's replacement is already available


Well I think that BF2142 is about to die for THN, everyone is moving onto different games and with COD4 out it appears it's replacement is already available

and people wonder i dont play it myself..?

people getting excited over TF2 made me think striaght away "bye bye 2142"

as soon as a new game coms out...TF2 will prob get the boot as well.


Junior Administrator
and people wonder i dont play it myself..?

people getting excited over TF2 made me think straight away "bye bye 2142"

as soon as a new game comes out...TF2 will prob get the boot as well.

errr 2142 is over a year old and not that many people got into it, that is why it never got off it's feet. TF2 is brand new and a lot of people have become interested from the outset. Stop being so bloody negative boy. It's a shame we didn't get into 2142 earlier but we didn't so that's that.


At the time BF2142 came out we were still active in the BF2 ladder with phatbambi as the main organiser. Everyone expected phatbambi to switch his interests to BF2142 but he didn't like the game.

Everyone just sort of waited for a while to see if anyone would pick up the reigns for BF2142 but no one did, so I agree with waterproofbob when he says "it's a shame we didn't get into 2142 earlier".

I do think THN has lost out in the past year in terms of comeptitive clan ladder/league matches and BF2142 would easily have filled that void well.

Let's try to learn from this guys.