Junior Administrator
And for those who cannot get to the official WoW notes, here are the notes as presented on the website
Quote from Blizzard staff
Lake Wintergrasp
Strand of the Ancients
Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Druid (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Mage (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Paladin (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Priest (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Rogue (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Shaman (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Warrior (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Quote from Blizzard staff
- Players may now create death knights on any realm once they reach level 55.
- Bonus Armor: The mechanics for items with bonus armor on them has changed (any cloth, leather, mail, or plate items with extra armor, or any other items with any armor). Bonus armor beyond the base armor of an item will no longer be multiplied by any talents or by the bonuses of Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, or Frost Presence.
- Racial restrictions on mounts have now been lifted. Night Elves on mechanostriders? Tauren on raptors? You’re not seeing things.
- Racial Resistances: These can now be mitigated against by gaining additional chance to hit.
- Tapping: All player spells which cause a creature to become aggressive to you will now also immediately cause the creature to be tapped.
- All Silence spells now have diminishing returns. This includes: Arcane Torrent, Garrote silence effect, Improved Counterspell effect, Improved Kick effect, Silence, Gag Order, Silencing Shot, Spell Lock, and Strangulate.
- Dispel Resist talents have changed to protect only beneficial spells and damage over time effects.
- Shield Wall, Barkskin, Guardian Spirit, and Divine Protection are now off the Global Cooldown.
- A new mailbox is now available at the Crows Tavern in the Dalaran Sewers.
- We have added over 60 new graveyards to Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
- The run speed in spirit form has been increased by 50%. Night Elves in Wisp form will now move at a bonus 75% speed.
- Reputation rewarded for killing mobs will no longer automatically deprecate. This means trivial mobs will continue to give out their full amounts of reputation on kill for the majority of cases in the game (level 70 creatures in Stratholme, for example, will continue to award the full amount of rep to level 80 players seeking to boost their Argent Dawn faction).
- World of Warcraft now supports 3-D imaging. Visit for more information.
- The Loremaster of Kalimdor Achievement has had its quest amount reduced.
- The Perma-Peddle Achievement is no longer a part of the “Fool for Love” meta-achievement.
- The Winds of the North has had its requirements changed. This achievement is now earned by getting Exalted with the Alliance Vanguard or Horde Expedition.
- Vehicles can now be affected by most player spells, except CC, snares and roots.
- Arena rating requirements for all Deadly Gladiator’s Arena items have been reduced by 100.
- All rage and runic power are set to 0 when an Arena begins and the preparation period is over.
- Ring of Valor: The small pillars will now rise immediately once the arena begins.
Lake Wintergrasp
- Wintergrasp Commendations can now also be purchased for the low low price of 9 Wintergrasp Marks of Honor. Players can visit their respective Wintergrasp vendors and put those Marks of Honor to use!
- Wintergrasp PvP vehicles have had their health increased.
- Wintergrasp Tower cannons have had their health increased.
- The Wintergrasp Fortress Exterior walls have had their health increased.
- The Fortress Keep door now has had its health decreased.
- The Orb is now instantly clickable.
- Elementals should now always despawn when the battle begins.
- Wintergrasp now extends further south so that more revenants can be reached.
- There are now three ranks in Wintergrasp: Recruit, Corporal, and First Lieutenant.
- Players will be eligible for participation rewards after two honorable kills.
- Players will receive increased honor with increased rank.
- Players will receive additional Marks of Honor at Corporal or higher rank.
- Players will receive corporal rank at 5 honorable kills instead of two.
Strand of the Ancients
- Antipersonnel Turrets will now gain vehicle immunities, use falloff damage, and damage increased to 4000 + 200 per level to compensate for falloff.
- The Strand of the Ancients Demolisher has had its health increased.
- The Strand of the Ancients tower cannon has had its health increased.
- Seaforium charges have been moved closer to the graveyards on the 2nd tier.

- All multi-rune abilities generate 15 runic power.
- Anti-Magic Shell: The cooldown has been lowered to 45 sec from 60 sec.
- Anti-Magic Zone: This ability’s duration has been cut to 10 seconds.
- Blood Aura now grants 2/4% instead of 1/2% healing.
- Blood Presence now grants 2/4% instead of 1/2% healing.
- Bloody Strikes will receive extra bonus damage from Pestilence.
- Bone Shield: The mitigation has been reduced from 40% to 20%.
- Corpse Explosion: Damage increased substantially, added 5 sec. cooldown, and changed cost to 40 runic power.
- Dark Command: Range increased to 30 yards.
- Death Pact now grants 40% instead of 20% healing.
- Frost Presence: The bonus armor has been increased from 60 to 80% and magic damage reduction increased from 5 to 15%.
- Heart Strike no longer has a haste debuff but will now be able to strike two targets.
- Horn of Winter now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 20 second cooldown.
- Icebound Fortitude now reduces damage by 20% instead of 50%. The amount of damage reduced increases with bonus Defense (to about 35% for 540 Defense, but can go higher).
- Killing Machine: Instead of a chance to be triggered on critical strike, this talent now has a chance to be triggered on each swing based on the swing time of the weapon (slow weapons more likely, fast weapons less likely).
- Mark of Blood: The total amount of healing this can grant is now capped based on a percentage of standard creature health at the target’s level.
- Night of the Dead now grants 40/70% passive area spell avoidance to your pet in addition to its current effects.
- Outbreak will no longer receive bonus damage from pestilence. The bonus from Plague Strike and Blood Boil has been increased slightly.
- Pestilence no longer has a 10 seconds cooldown.
- Raise Dead has now been split into two spells:
- Raise Dead now raises a ghoul or pet ghoul (if talented). Requires corpse dust if no humanoid corpse is nearby.
- Raise Ally now raises a fallen party member as a ghoul and has no reagent. Available at level 72. This should now last for 4 minutes.
- Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle (two-handed only) now grants 25 Defense and 2% Stamina.
- Rune Strike: Damage decreased from 200% to 150% but threat increased to 150% from 100%.
- Shadow of Death: The duration has been changed from 45 seconds to 25 secondsseconds and now has a 15 minute cooldown.
- Summon Gargoyle: Damage dealt by the Gargoyle reduced by approximately 20% and maximum duration cut to 30 seconds.
- Unholy Blight had had its cost reduced from 60 to 40 runic power.
- Wandering Plague will now properly reset after being castand now considers the resilience of the target in determining its chance to be triggered.
- Vampiric Blood (DK) changed from 20% health / 50% healing to 15 % health / 35% healing.
- Will of the Necropolis will now reduce the damage of any attack that takes the DK below 35% health by 5 /10/15% instead of boosting armor when wounded. It no longer affects the cooldown of Anti-Magic Shell and retains the current damage reduction bonus.

- Aquatic Form is now available from druid trainers at level 16.
- Celestial Focus (Balance) no longer includes Starfall.
- Feral Attack Power: All weapons now have the potential to grant feral attack power based on their dps (as compared to the best superior-quality weapons available at level 60). Players will see their existing feral weapons grant roughly the same attack power as they did before (+/- 2 or so), but many new weapons will be options for the feral druid. Some feral weapons have had strength converted to attack power to be more appealing to other classes able to equip them. All druids will see the amount of feral attack power granted by an item in the item tooltip, if it grants any, but other players will not see that information.
- Remove Curse and Abolish Poison can now be used in Moonkin form.
- Genesis: Now works with Tranquility and Hurricane.
- Growl: Range increased to 30 yards.
- King of the Jungle - The Bear effect is now physical, and thus cannot be dispelled.
- Moonglow: This talent now also benefits Nourish.
- Nature's Grace - Now also effects Revive.
- Nourish: Wild Growth applied to a target now increases the healing done by this spell by 20% like other heal over time effects.
- Polearms: Now trainable by Druids.
- Primal Tenacity: Now reduces the cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form by 17/33/50% in addition to its previous effects.
- Protector of the Pack: No longer changes value based on party size.
- Savage Roar: The buff now persists outside of Cat Form but only provides its benefits while in Cat Form.
- Starfall: Instead of canceling shapeshifting, now cancels on shapeshifting into an animal form.
- Survival of the Fittest: This talent now grants 22/44/66% bonus armor in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form in addition to all of its previous effects.
- Swipe: Swipe (Cat) has now been added at level 71, dealing 260% weapon damage, costs 50 energy with no cooldown. All talents affecting the Bear Form version affect the Cat Form one as well.
- Wild Growth now has a 6 second cooldown.

- Hunter Aspects are now off the Global Cooldown again. They still have a shared 1 second cooldown.
- All Hunter pet abilities with a cooldown of 30 seconds or more are no longer on the global cooldown.
- Arcane Shot: Mana cost lowered to match the cost of Steady Shot.
- Aspect of the Wild - This aspect is now raid-wide.
- Call of the Wild: The benefit from this pet talent now applies to only the Hunter and their own pet.
- Deterrence: Design changed to grant 100% parry and 100% chance to "deflect" spells coming from the front, but prevents the Hunter from attacking. Lasts 5 seconds and has a 90 second cooldown.
- Explosive Shot: Damage increased substantially, and additional scaling added to compensate Survival Hunters for the decrease in power of Steady Shot. No longer deals damage to secondary targets.
- Ferocious Inspiration: This talent now also increase the damage the Hunter does with Arcane Shot by 3/6/9%.
- Improved Tracking(Survival): This talent has been slightly re-designed. Now reads: While tracking Beasts, Demons, Dragonkin, Elementals, Giants, Humanoids and Undead, all ranged damage done to those types is increased by 1/2/3/4/5%.
- Kill Shot – Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, down from 35 sec.
- Kindred Spirits: This talent now grants only 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
- Lock and Load: Now has a 30 second cooldown.
- Readiness: No longer resets the cooldown on Bestial Wrath.
- Steady Shot: Now gains 10% of attack power as damage instead of 20%.
- Serpent’s Swiftness: This talent now grants only 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet. The hunter attack speed bonus is unchanged.
- Tranquilizing Shot (Hunter): Cooldown increased to 8 sec, up from 6. Mana cost reduced to 8%, down from 12%.
- Unleashed Fury: This talent now grants only 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage.
- Viper Sting: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana.
- Volley: The damage has been reduced on all ranks by approximately 30% (including attack power scaling).
- All Hunter pet abilities with a cooldown of 30 seconds or more are no longer on the global cooldown.
- The coefficient of Rake (Cat) and Scorpid Poison (Scorpid) has been lowered.
- Rake: This hunter pet ability has had its damage adjusted to prevent unreasonable scaling with attack power.
- Scorpid Poison: No longer stacks. The damage has been adjusted to prevent unreasonable scaling with attack power.
- Spirit Strike (hunter pet ability) now has an initial attack (which can crit) and then a single dot. Damage overall is higher.

- Arcane Blast: This ability has been significantly changed. Arcane Blast now increases the damage of the next Arcane spell by 15%. However, using Arcane Blast itself does not consume the charge itself. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage of Arcane spells is increased by 15% and the mana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 200%. This effect stacks up to 3 times and lasts 10 seconds or until any Arcane damage spell except Arcane Blast is cast.
- Arcane Flows: Now also reduces the cooldown of Evocation by 1m/2m.
- Elemental Precision: Renamed to Precision and now works on all spells.
- Evocation: Cooldown reduced to 4 min.
- Improved Blizzard: The snaring effect has been reduced to 25/40/50%.
- Incanter’s Absorption: The amount of spell damage a Mage can gain from this ability is now capped at 5% of the mage’s health.
- Mirror Image: The Mirror Image Polymorph ability now has a range of 8 yards. In addition, Mirror Images will no longer have excessive threat values assigned to them when they are created.
- Slow Fall is now castable on others.
- Torment the Weak: Now works with Arcane Blast and does bonus damage against targets afflicted with any type of slow (such as the combat slow from Thunder Clap).

- Avenging Wrath: Divine Shield, Divine Protection, and Avenging Wrath cannot be used within 30 seconds of each other anymore. Forbearance removed from Avenging Wrath.
- Divine Protection: The penalty has been removed.
- Divine Shield: The penalty has been changed so that all damage done is reduced by 50% in place of an attack speed penalty.
- Hand of Reckoning(NEW): Available on trainers at level 16. It’s a 30 yard range taunt that causes Holy damage.
- Judgements of the Pure: This Holy talent now increases the damage done by Seals and Judgements.
- Judgement of Wisdom: Now returns a percentage of base mana instead of a percentage of max mana.
- Sacred Duty: Interaction with Divine Shield and Divine Protection removed, but stamina bonus increased.

- Abolish Disease and Cure Disease can now be cast while in Shadowform.
- Holy: Circle of Healing now has a 6 second cooldown.
- Levitate is now castable on others.
- Mana Burn: Now burns a percentage of maximum mana.
- Shadowform: You can now shift into Shadowform while mounted or sitting.
- Vampiric Embrace- Mana cost of this spell has been removed.

- Cheap Shot: This ability no longer has diminishing returns against anything other than itself.
- Fan of Knives: The cooldown has been removed. In addition, now deals 150% of weapon damage when used while daggers are equipped.
- Feint: Rank 8 now reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by 50% for 6 seconds in addition to its existing effects.
- Kidney Shot: This ability now has diminishing returns against all other stuns.

- All shaman talent points have been refunded. Please visit your trainer to learn spells and abilities.
- Fire Nova Totem: Now no longer generates threat.
- Healing Way: Now only one application is required to reach full benefit. No longer stacks.
- Improved Water Shield: Lesser Healing Wave now has a reduced chance to trigger this talent.
- Magma Totem: The damage and scaling has been increased and no longer generates threat.
- Mental Quickness and Static Shock have switched positions in the talent tree.
- Mental Quickness: Reduces the mana cost of instant cast Shaman spells by 2/4/6% and increases spell power by an amount equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.
- Searing Totem (Rank 4) now does the proper damage for its rank.
- Tremor Totem's duration has been increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
- Elemental Oath: In addition to existing effects, now increases spell damage done by the Shaman by 5/10% while Elemental Focus Clearcasting is active.
- Elemental Mastery: Redesigned. Now increases the Shaman’s critical strike chance by 20% for 30 seconds. Cooldown remains at 3 minutes.
- Elemental Shields: This talent has been removed. It has now been merged with Elemental Warding.
- Elemental Warding: Now reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%. Changed from only reducing Nature, Fire and Frost by 4/7/10%.
- New Talent: Shamanism-Your Lightning Bolt spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus damage effects.
- Storm, Earth and Fire: This talent has been moved up in the tree, and it’s talent points have been reduced to 3 down from 5. Wind Shock is also included in the range increase (with Earth Shock). The damage bonus to Flame Shock has been increased, up from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/40/60.
- Unrelenting Storm: point cost reduced to 3, down from 5. Now does 4/8/12%

- Curse of Agony will now scale better when used with the Glyph of Curse of Agony. Ticks beyond the original duration will do 33% more damage than the ticks that preceded them. i.e. 74 -> 145 -> 217 -> 290.
- Demon Armor and Demon Skin: Armor increased by approximately 120%.
- Demonic Circle: The teleport now clears all snare effects.
- Drain Mana: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana.
- Emberstorm: Now works with Conflagrate.
- Ritual of Summoning: Will now create a summoning portal object which can be re-used for multiple summons for 5 minutes.

- Bloodthirst: Charges have been decreased to 3, but the effect has been raised to 1% per charge.
- Fury: Bloodsurge: Now has a chance to trigger from any hit with Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst, or Whirlwind.
- Fury:Titan's Grip: The hit chance penalty has been removed.
- Sudden Death: The amount of rage spent on an Execute while Sudden Death is active is now capped at 30 rage. Improved Execute and the Glyph of Execute will still increase the damage done by increasing the amount of rage able to be converted into damage.
- Taunt: Range increased to 30 yards.
- All flasks no longer require an alchemy lab to create.
- The Cooldown on Transmute: Titanium has been reduced to 1 day, and the materials required have been simplified.
- Reduced the cooldown on Northrend Alchemy Research from 7 days to 3 days.
- The chance to discover a Northrend transmutation has been increased.
- Changed the Crazy Alchemist Potion so it always gives health and mana. It also grants the benefit of another random potion effect.
- Potion of Nightmares functionality changed. You can now move to interrupt the effect, and damage taken is no longer increased while you are under the effects of this potion.
- Added a new recipe for Ethereal Oil to grand master alchemy trainers.
- You can now discover a recipe for the Elixir of Water Walking with Northrend Alchemy Research.
- Reduced the spell power on the Titansteel Guardian to bring it in line with its item level.
- Increased the material requirements to make high level frost resistance gear created with blacksmithing.
- Increased the materials required to make several recipes that require cobalt.
- Added a new recipe for shield reinforcements that increases the block value of shields.
- A recipe has been added for Kungaloosh. You can learn this recipe from an NPC in the Dalaran sewers once you have completed the quest 'The Taste Test' in Sholazar Basin.
- A recipe for the incredible Fish Feast can now be purchased for Dalaran Cooking Awards.
- Succulent Orca Stew and Shoveltusk Soup have been removed from the requirements for any cooking achievements as they will not be added to the game.
- A new recipe for Worg Tartare is now available for purchase with Dalaran Cooking Awards. This delicacy imbues hit rating and Stamina upon those brave enough to eat it.
- Many high level enchantment recipes have had the amount of Infinite Dust and Greater Cosmic Essence requirements significantly reduced, but with Dream Shards being added to them.
- Increased the Fire damage inflicted by the Icebreaker weapon enchantment.
- Reduced the armor penalty granted by the Berserking weapon enchantment.
- Increased the amount of healing from the Lifeward enchantment.
- Increased the amount of damage caused by the Icebreaker enchantment.
- Added a new recipe to enchant bracers with Stamina. You can buy this recipe from Vanessa Sellers in Dalaran.
- Engineers may now be able to properly engineer Centrifuge Constructs.
- Reduced the cooldown and increased the duration of the effect for Hyperspeed Accelerators.
- Added a new recipe for epic plate spell power goggles.
- Weakness Spectralizers are now usable by druids.
- The Saronite Bomb recipe now creates a lot more bombs for the same material cost. While this breakthrough was discovered by goblins, all engineers can take advantage of it.
- Gnomish Lightning Generator has had its cast time and cooldown reduced.
- The engineering Scrapbot can now repair.
- Jessica Sellers, a new vendor in the Dalaran inscription shop, will sell most inscription inks for the cost of one Ink of the Sea. She also sells Snowfall Ink for multiple Inks of the Sea.
- A new recipe for Glyph of Arcane Blast has been added to Master and Grand Master Inscription trainers.
- Added a new recipe to convert a frozen orb and some green quality gems into several superior quality gems.
- Reduced the spell power granted by the use effect of the Figurine – Twilight Serpent, but reduced the cooldown significantly.
- Iceborne Belt pattern skill up range has been increased to the correct range.
- The epic leg armor patches now require a Frozen Orb in addition to their other materials.
- Mining veins and deposits no longer require multiple hits to receive all the ore. Players will receive around the same amount of ore, stone, and gems they would have received from multiple hits.
- Weakened Giants and Iron Rune Sentinels can now be correctly mined.
- Increased the critical strike rating granted by ranks 5 and 6 of Master of Anatomy.
- Carrion Fleshstrippers are now skinnable.
- Reduced the cloth required to make a Bolt of Imbued Frostweave.
- Simplified the materials required for Shining Spellthread and Azure Spellthread.
- Reduced the eternals required to make Brilliant Spellthread and Sapphire Spellthread, but increased the number of Iceweb Spider Silk.
- Greatly reduced the materials required to make the self-only tailoring leg enchants (Master's Spellthread and Sanctified Spellthread), but these recipes no longer grant any skill gains.
- Reduced the training cost for the normal Flying Carpet.
- Ebonweave now requires the tailor to be in the Maw of Neltharion in Dragonblight to creating it.
- Spellweave now requires the tailor to be at the Azure Dragonshrine in Dragonblight when creating it.