>300Gb on a single disc, Holographic discs (the way of the future)


Junior Administrator
Not sure if any of you fine folk read New Scientist, however if you do then i imagine you've already read the article on holographic storage, its been one of those things that has been off and on for an age and a half.
It's been a real "look what we'll have in 5 years time" jobber and although it may not be a consumer viable option for a while it does look very promising indeed.
Its a fight between InPhase with a current drive of max speed 20Megabytes per second and DCE Aprillis at speeds of over 1Gb and this for discs that are reckoned to be able to fit over 1Tb of data on. DCE appear to have it nailed, however as their product is not near release where as InPhases is then who knows.
This comes at a time when NASA have just got a deal with Google for Google to help with the NASA filing, providing them with over 100,000 square meters of warehouse storage. I have three links for you depending on how interested you are in the subject to please everyone.
For those who want to know the ins and outs according to the fine ppl at IBM research
a wikipedia version for those who are too busy to read the huge version
and for everyone else a funny lion cartoon

If i were you I'd go get new scientist as its awesome.


Junior Administrator
There's also a 'cure for cancer' drug on New Scientist. Interesting stuffs.

Yes indeedy shame about that one being it is very unlikely to be run ever due to the fact it isn't patented thus not worth the effort of the pharmaceutical companies. tis a great shame.


In Cryo Sleep
My friend who is doing a PhD in Optics *sets up friend as well informed knowledge base*, says that Blu-ray is unsuitable for games because it's read at half the speed of standard DVD's, 8 to 16 I think he said. So although Blu-ray is larger storage wise it'd take an age to access the data! Holograms sound much faster :D.