[Tech] 3G Mobile Internet

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I remember chatting to Vibs about this a little while ago but I now can't quite remember what he said so I figured I'd throw this open to the floor...

For work, I need 3G / mobile internet access. It needs to be reliable more than it needs to be fast. It therefore needs to have decent coverage in Andover. It also needs to have a good, preferably flexible, bandwidth cap.

I'm not paying; work will pay. However, if the price goes over £25pcm then they're going to reject that.

My research to date tells me this:

  • T-Mobile appear to have a decent package and word is that they don't hold you to their bandwidth limit slavishly, warning you to calm it down rather than charge you per megabyte you go over.
  • Vodafone certainly has reasonable coverage in Andover as that's what other work people use there.

Aside from that, people largely only post reviews of their mobile internet access to vent about how their one doesn't work, how it's all shit, etc, etc. As those reviews turn up for all services, I'm inclined to ignore them.

Any more pragmatic and balanced views and suggestions?


Staff member
T Mobile web and walk I've some experience of, its annoying in that its a USB dongle but it does work and speeds are good for what it is. Latency will tend to rule out most games (you can play wow though albeit slowly), likewise anything that requires low latency i.e. anything heavy over ssh will be sluggish also. Bear that in mind.

Depending on the laptop that you use, I know for a fact that dell have an internal 3g slot for micro cards - worth a look if you've a compatible laptop as it "should" use the antennas in the screen and is also nice and hidden.


Junior Administrator
Vibs has 3 and not sure what he has said but from what I've gathered and seen it is very reliable and generally awesome. I Have a 3 phone with 3G and the signal is very good as well. Very few places I'm unable to get signal.Obviously worth waiting to Vibs to properly sing its praises but from what I've seen it is awesome.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. Any more for any more before I make an order? I want to have mobile internet available to me before next week.


In Cryo Sleep
Vibs has managed to get better download rates up ta uni when connected to the 3g thing, rathe rthan the ECS wireless network, which is connected to janet.....

I'm also going to be stealing it for when I go up to edinburgh next month :p so i hope its good!


Active Member
You're coming up to Edinburgh!? *waves*

Also, I'm with 3G for my phone but I've not tried these mobile internet things, I'd say it's probably pretty good down South but up here the 3 network isn't as strong sadly.