8800GTS is here errrr again!!


yet another 8000G range released by nvidia!

Why did they bother with the 8800GT 6 weeks ago only to release an improved 8800GTS now?

Basically the 8800GTS is a GTX with about 40% less memory bandwidth.

Great if you don't play games at resolutions above 1280x1024 and don't activate AA or AF (which is me actually).

What will they release in another 6 weeks?


Junior Administrator
They're no longer making the 320 & 640 mb versions of the GTS, and they're stopping production of GTX and Ultra's too, So they will be able to dominate the world with the 9000 series in the first / second quarter of 08


Junior Administrator
They're no longer making the 320 & 640 mb versions of the GTS, and they're stopping production of GTX and Ultra's too, So they will be able to dominate the world with the 9000 series in the first / second quarter of 08

haha tbh as there's little in the rumour mill about the 9000s it is more likely to be late 2008. So I say get a GTS and be all kinds of happy.