A call to arms...


In Cryo Sleep
Lads and ladies of the Haven,

I Secord (unofficial guild hero/love machine),

Request aid in the completion of two herculean tasks that have been laid down for me. The first is to vanquish and elite elemental in the Arathi Highlands, the second an elite elemental in Hillsbrad.

I call to all my guild brothers (and sisters) to come aid me in this task. No individual is too inexperienced and there will be no five member limit set to this task.

I propose that on Thors'day when the sun is a few hours from setting that we muster in Undercity to head out.

Will anyone answer my call?


(Unofficial Guild Hero/Love Machine)
War Quarter,
Eastern Kingdoms


In Cryo Sleep
this orc would be proud to join the ugly smelly undead ranks to slaughter the bad and steal their fine treasures!

i shall savage some wild beasts in you name!


Staff member
Given the misguided, small whitted and easily distracted cad that you are you'll undoubtedly be needed a philanthropically motivated spiritual advisor to stop you straying from the path at hand. In short I shall be there to ensure you complete each task in sequence and not simulatneously!

*ooh a turnip shaped like a thingie !*
*runs off excitedly*


In Cryo Sleep
Next week, if you's don't mind.

On tuesday or thursday.

Ooohhhh!!!! A turnip shaped thingy.... Must dash!