So, I noticed Panda complaining about the use of the term DPS, meaning Damage Per Second, as relates to games with guns. To quote from the shoutbox:
Juba made a good point:
I'd like to elaborate on that but simultaneously look at a different problem that I believe may actually be the real problem.
So, DPS. Damage Per Second. It's an almost ubiquitous measure in MMOs to assess the effectiveness of a particular weapon, spell or even class at dealing damage.
At its simplest, it's a way to compare apples to oranges (or swords to fireballs). Take the following basic example:
Rusty Sword, 10 damage, strikes every 5 seconds
Masterwork Axe, 50 damage, strikes every 10 seconds
Deadly Lance, 100 damage, strikes every 100 seconds
Which weapon is better? The Rusty Sword is obviously a bit crap, but at first glance, you might be tempted by the Deadly Lance due to the high damage value, but then you look at how frequently you strike with it and would be immediately put off. Why?
Rusty Sword = 10 / 5 = 2 DPS
Masterwork Axe = 50 / 10 = 5 DPS
Deadly Lance = 100 / 100 = 1 DPS
Yep, as any MMO player would have automatically told you, the best weapon is the Masterwork Axe and that Deadly Lance is a clear turkey.
Okay, that's fine, but bonuses versus certain creatures, effects over time, the role of resistance or armour, and even chance to do extra damage via criticals all play a role.
Thing is, it doesn't matter what you do with it, it boils down to an equation that gives you a sense of damage per second.
Magical Axe of Flaming Doom, 500 damage + 50 fire damage per second for 10 seconds + 20% chance of double damage from a critical, strikes every 10 seconds
500 / 10 = 50 DPS basic
+ 50 DPS fire damage = 100 DPS
+ an average of 500 extra damage every fifth hit, giving + 10 DPS from criticals = 110 DPS total
That total is effectively risk adjusted. The risk is that you keep not getting a critical strike, so that extra 10 DPS never actually manifests. However, on average, you should be getting it, so you factor it in as an estimated value. The minimum DPS is 100, and the maximum 150 (assuming no criticals ever, or always criticals respectively). It's common to give low:mid:high values when dealing with risk adjustment, so our Magical Axe of Flaming Doom has a DPS of 100:110:150 with a triangular distribution between them.
Fine, so, it's an equation with some risk involved, but it's still pretty straight forward.
Now, we could start to factor in chances to miss your strike entirely (thus dealing zero damage), or for your target to dodge, parry, block, or whatever, but we're just adding some more risk factors to that base DPS. All we're doing is affecting the shape of the distribution curve and the minimum possible value (noting that when adding the ability to cause 0 damage on any individual strike, the actual minimum becomes 0...).
Fine, so we can break any system down to DPS and we get a common way of analysing any attack on any opponent. Indeed, we can do this for any attack mechanism.
Assault Rifle, 20 damage + 50% chance of double damage critical, fires once every second
Assuming a 50% chance to hit (to keep the maths easy) ...
20 / 1 = 20 DPS base
Adjust for 50% chance of missing = 10 DPS
Add chance of critical every other hit = 15 DPS
Okay, that's probably not perfect and I don't doubt that somebody schooled in this would slap my simplistic approach to combining those percentages around, but it'll do for this example. Indeed, given a chance of missing all the time, or a chance of hitting with criticals all the time, our range is 0:15:40 though I'd not care to hazard a guess at the shape of the distribution.
So, can guns have DPS? Sure they can. Just like anything that has a frequency of attack and a value of damage dealt (risk adjusted or whatever).
But then to my ancilliary point:
Where's the fun in that? Hasn't that just made the experience of slaying a mighty foe a matter of doing the not-exactly-complex maths in advance? Okay, probably not entirely, especially as with larger fights with more combatants on each side, the mix of probability curves becomes significantly more difficult to understand, but the one-on-one approach still bears some resemblance to this analysis. Indeed, there's plenty-a-website that will gleefully share the innermost workings of any weapon you care to mention and break it down to the DPS.
And that is my problem. It's like Han Solo said to C3-P0, "Don't tell me the odds!" If I can tell I'm going to win based on the rate of damage I'm doing versus the rate of damage my opponent is doing then where's the sense of fighting chance, of last minute comeback, of beating the odds? Where's the sense of heroic adventure?
I don't think Panda's real issue is with DPS. It's just a model, just applied maths. I think it's with the product of DPS, the netdecking (or whatever you'd call it for MMOs) and resulting loss of mystery and potential for lack of innovation. Here's the best weapon. Use that. All other choices are less optimal, or even wrong. And why would you want to play a game wrong?
Panda with issues... said:why is the term dps being used in a game with guns?
because guns don't do damage per second?
ballistic weaponry does damage based on whether you hit something, and where you hit something, and how hard you hit
Juba made a good point:
Juba said:dps is an abstract measure of how much damage divided by how much time you did it in is all
I'd like to elaborate on that but simultaneously look at a different problem that I believe may actually be the real problem.
So, DPS. Damage Per Second. It's an almost ubiquitous measure in MMOs to assess the effectiveness of a particular weapon, spell or even class at dealing damage.
At its simplest, it's a way to compare apples to oranges (or swords to fireballs). Take the following basic example:
Rusty Sword, 10 damage, strikes every 5 seconds
Masterwork Axe, 50 damage, strikes every 10 seconds
Deadly Lance, 100 damage, strikes every 100 seconds
Which weapon is better? The Rusty Sword is obviously a bit crap, but at first glance, you might be tempted by the Deadly Lance due to the high damage value, but then you look at how frequently you strike with it and would be immediately put off. Why?
Rusty Sword = 10 / 5 = 2 DPS
Masterwork Axe = 50 / 10 = 5 DPS
Deadly Lance = 100 / 100 = 1 DPS
Yep, as any MMO player would have automatically told you, the best weapon is the Masterwork Axe and that Deadly Lance is a clear turkey.
Okay, that's fine, but bonuses versus certain creatures, effects over time, the role of resistance or armour, and even chance to do extra damage via criticals all play a role.
Thing is, it doesn't matter what you do with it, it boils down to an equation that gives you a sense of damage per second.
Magical Axe of Flaming Doom, 500 damage + 50 fire damage per second for 10 seconds + 20% chance of double damage from a critical, strikes every 10 seconds
500 / 10 = 50 DPS basic
+ 50 DPS fire damage = 100 DPS
+ an average of 500 extra damage every fifth hit, giving + 10 DPS from criticals = 110 DPS total
That total is effectively risk adjusted. The risk is that you keep not getting a critical strike, so that extra 10 DPS never actually manifests. However, on average, you should be getting it, so you factor it in as an estimated value. The minimum DPS is 100, and the maximum 150 (assuming no criticals ever, or always criticals respectively). It's common to give low:mid:high values when dealing with risk adjustment, so our Magical Axe of Flaming Doom has a DPS of 100:110:150 with a triangular distribution between them.
Fine, so, it's an equation with some risk involved, but it's still pretty straight forward.
Now, we could start to factor in chances to miss your strike entirely (thus dealing zero damage), or for your target to dodge, parry, block, or whatever, but we're just adding some more risk factors to that base DPS. All we're doing is affecting the shape of the distribution curve and the minimum possible value (noting that when adding the ability to cause 0 damage on any individual strike, the actual minimum becomes 0...).
Fine, so we can break any system down to DPS and we get a common way of analysing any attack on any opponent. Indeed, we can do this for any attack mechanism.
Assault Rifle, 20 damage + 50% chance of double damage critical, fires once every second
Assuming a 50% chance to hit (to keep the maths easy) ...
20 / 1 = 20 DPS base
Adjust for 50% chance of missing = 10 DPS
Add chance of critical every other hit = 15 DPS
Okay, that's probably not perfect and I don't doubt that somebody schooled in this would slap my simplistic approach to combining those percentages around, but it'll do for this example. Indeed, given a chance of missing all the time, or a chance of hitting with criticals all the time, our range is 0:15:40 though I'd not care to hazard a guess at the shape of the distribution.
So, can guns have DPS? Sure they can. Just like anything that has a frequency of attack and a value of damage dealt (risk adjusted or whatever).
But then to my ancilliary point:
Where's the fun in that? Hasn't that just made the experience of slaying a mighty foe a matter of doing the not-exactly-complex maths in advance? Okay, probably not entirely, especially as with larger fights with more combatants on each side, the mix of probability curves becomes significantly more difficult to understand, but the one-on-one approach still bears some resemblance to this analysis. Indeed, there's plenty-a-website that will gleefully share the innermost workings of any weapon you care to mention and break it down to the DPS.
And that is my problem. It's like Han Solo said to C3-P0, "Don't tell me the odds!" If I can tell I'm going to win based on the rate of damage I'm doing versus the rate of damage my opponent is doing then where's the sense of fighting chance, of last minute comeback, of beating the odds? Where's the sense of heroic adventure?
I don't think Panda's real issue is with DPS. It's just a model, just applied maths. I think it's with the product of DPS, the netdecking (or whatever you'd call it for MMOs) and resulting loss of mystery and potential for lack of innovation. Here's the best weapon. Use that. All other choices are less optimal, or even wrong. And why would you want to play a game wrong?