A fun little flash game!


Junior Administrator
This just wasted about half an hour of my time so I thought I would share it: Biggification!!! (This is hosted on Newgrounds.com, where there are sometimes some NSFW ads, but the game is perfectly safe for work)

You have to stop the orbs from touching each other! Use the mouse to collect them... chains of orbs of the same colour give you large score multipliers, but how long will you last?

I just played and hit 2nd on the highscores with a score of 2861618, (I got printscreen proof) but I have already been knocked down to 4th with that score! (and on my FIRST go too!)

What can you get?


Well-Known Member
Third best :D

Cool game thatbloke, though I couldn't pause it to go to the loo!


Well-Known Member
Muahahah! Highscores.

3, 3208585 PsiSoldier28.

My hand hurts :(

EDIT: Noo! I have been kicked off top10 :(


In Cryo Sleep
arg, i was trying to beat psi's score... thought i'd beat it and turns out hes got an extra digit >.< must destroy something!! 3863631 :(

edit: im on top 10 and your not xD am ok now