A joke... (sfw)


Junior Administrator
How many software engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

1) None. real computer geeks prefer LEDs.
2) None. It's a hardware problem!
3) Just one. But the house falls down.
4) Two. One resigns halfway through the project.
5) 10. One to change the bulb and one to explain binary.
6) Is this a dynamically allocated light bulb?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

7) Fifteen will suffice, provided the specs for how to change it have been written and thoroughly reviwed. Otherwise, one will do.



In Cryo Sleep
8) A team of 20, over a period of 5 months. The bulb uses an undocmented ada package to bridge the hardware software gap.


In Cryo Sleep
1) None. real computer geeks prefer LEDs.

"Computer geeks". At least point towards electronic engineers - the lot who usually *use* LEDs rather than just writing code to make them flash :p

9) NullReferenceException - Light Bulb doesn't exist