A mates questing


In Cryo Sleep
I got a former guild mate from guild Circus who is on the questline for the title

But his guild is to small to ever be in gruuls and he asked me since we are doing it with alts if there might be a possibility for him to join us on a night at gruuls / maggy so he can complete his quest chains..

His name is Nicia hes a prot palla very cool kid imo

Anyways ill see the responses coming

Greeting Spax


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Well, his best bet is to create an account in the forums and sign up for the Wednesday/Thursday raids.

Haven members will always take priority, but if there's a spot open for a tank, there's a good chance the raid leader will bring him along. Never hurts to try. :)

If he does sign up, make sure you post a reply to the event in question with a reminder, lest the event creator remove the guy on account of not recognizing the name.

(It has happened, before, so I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone again to fill out the little WoW section in your profile...)



In Cryo Sleep
He was in our kara yesterday, did great imo. But ofcourse it's up to the officers to decide wether or not he can come. I'd reckon it depends on if we have any spare spots.