A special post.


In Cryo Sleep
Hello Ronin. I have a small query about when you hover over your 4 green bars :)mad: ). It's just it says "Ronin Storm is lauded for their splendid deeds". Sorry, it's just would it not be more correct to say "Ronin Storm is lauded for his splendid deeds"?

Correct me if I'm wrong please, it's just something that was annoying me and I needed to tell you about it. Thanks!



In Cryo Sleep
The problem comes down to sex I'm afraid Decky. :eek:

How do you make sure that both a male and a female can be lauded for "his" abilities?

Unfortunately you can't. Therefore the solution of "their" is the only way.

Unless you want to say "Ronin Storm is lauded for it's splendid deeds", thus confirming our suspicions that Ronin is in fact a piece of computer code. :p



In Cryo Sleep
OK thanks bambi. I was just thinking that it could be applied and adjusted when the time actually came that another man/woman would actually have the Rep power necessary to have 4 green bars


Well-Known Member
pHatBambi said:
The problem comes down to sex I'm afraid Decky. :eek:.

..and I read that as "The problem comes down to intercourse :(

Shouldn't we have the options to choose our gender in the profile and that could solve Decky's moaning! :p


Staff member
Life must be good indeed if this is all that is left to debate :)

*grins cheekily and runs off*


Was just thinking the same thing as Haven

arghhh he's in my head, *Runs off with knife in hand* :).

Fuzzy Bunny

There was an option to specify gender on the old THN forums.


That would be better because I don't know whos male and female and I could get mixed up

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I have deliberately not included gender as an option, but my reasoning seems a little unclear to me just now. I'll make a poll to see if people would like that option back in their profiles.

But otherwise, exactly as Bambi says... and even after including a gender option, there would be no link between that and the reputation titles so it'd still have to read gender-neutral.