A warning to nVidia GFX card users


Super Moderator
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[Response]: A warning to nVidia GFX card users

[Snip]The result? Overheated chips, diminished performance, and in some extreme cases, death (of the GPU, we think the users will be okay). The totality of it is that you should avoid the 196.75 iteration like the plague, and NVIDIA has temporarily yanked the update while investigating the reported issues.[Snip]

Many thanks for posting this, Q-Ball!
This is valuable info (literally :p )
Have a cookie!


I expect a fix for this will come out VERY quickly. And I have 196.15 or something like that, so meh :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
the drivers were only released on Tues so unless you have updated to Betas since then you shouldn't have issues i have the 196.34 which were released 27/01


New Member
yeah, i downloaded the new driver and my resolution went haywire and couldn't fix it. Roled back to the previous driver and now it works fine


Active Member
I crapped it when I saw this thread and the version number as I recently updated my drivers. I have 196.21 though, phew.

Unbeliavable news! Thanks for the heads-up.


Junior Administrator
I had no problems with the drivers, but the GPU death issue is a problem :p so I dropped back to .21


Upgrading to new graphics drivers on release is a risk.

There is absolutely no harm in your driver being a few months out of date and it also helps with stability.