A Yay to den ******* ICQ-Team


Well-Known Member
Does anyone of you use the ICQ instant messenger? I hope for your sake that you don't! At exactly 1900 yesterday thousands of ICQ numbers were randomly deleted and the ICQ teamdoes not even care about it!!!!!!!! This puts them right above Blizzard in my "The 100 worst customer services"-List on position number one! If anybody has the same problem or any comments to that, go ahead!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I gave up with ICQ years and years ago, for the same reason that a bunch of other people gave up with MSN it turns out... ;)

I imagine I was one of the deleted.


Staff member
Does anyone of you use the ICQ instant messenger? I hope for your sake that you don't! At exactly 1900 yesterday thousands of ICQ numbers were randomly deleted and the ICQ teamdoes not even care about it!!!!!!!! This puts them right above Blizzard in my "The 100 worst customer services"-List on position number one! If anybody has the same problem or any comments to that, go ahead!
Have any links to back this up?


Staff member
Ooooh so Viagra really does make my life more fun then ...

*runs off to buy some and to give some assistance to that poor nigerian statesmans wife having money issues*