About the Klown


In Cryo Sleep
'Ello Haveneneneners :)

Sooo.. the summer holidays are soon coming to an end, along with my summer holiday break from wow (dur hur). Although I got struck by the thought that this might be a good chance to lay it off perm :eek: Tell me will you, how are you on rogues atm? I kinda thought I'd let that decide wether I come back or not.. I really do wanna come back, but if you're good on rogues maybe I should fight it and stay away afterall. It's not like you would be kidnapping me from irl if u want/need/greed me back for any reason, cos during my break I found myself mostly staring at my screen anyway :P

Gief Klown / Who is this weirdo ? :D


Well-Known Member
Well, rogues can always be a nice addition, but the real question is "would it be fun for you?"


In Cryo Sleep
It sure would be fun, the resason as to why I wouldnt come back is cos I see wow kinda like a bad thing overall :P


Well-Known Member
Bad thing how? (I'm not questioning that in a negative sense, I'm just genuinely interested)


Well-Known Member
It eats your soul! But tbh, I wasnt doing much with it anyways, and I feel WoW is worth an unused soul, personally :D


Well-Known Member
Mmm... I look back at how much time I've put into the game, and... well, to be honest, I'm not bothered in the slightest. Only thing I'm disappointed about is that it's bitten into some of the time I would have preferred to have spent reading, but that's no biggie. I know other people feel they spend too much time on it, but if you're having fun, not so much wrong with that, right?


Well-Known Member
Exactly! It was quite worrying when, at i34 with Havenites, I was looking at the Xfire hours some people have put into the game. I was rather suprised that I'd spent more hours on it than alot of people I'd considered "old hands", as Ive only been about for 8 or so months...

Still, before this thread gets too derailed by us and our hindsight, if you want to play, Klown, then go for it, rogues are ALWAYS going to be wanted in a raid. Similarly, as Lithy has said, only come back if you want to, or else it starts to feel like a job, and you end up resenting the game for it - been there, done that recently. :p


In Cryo Sleep
What Huung said, but it eats my time. But I'm not doing very much with that either so you'll probably see me online in a few days, provided I'll get off my lazy ass and buy a gamecard. And if something comes up that I'd rather spend my time on I guess I'll have to make room for it. :D