I have two reception rooms in my house. The PC is in the smaller one connected to a VGA monitor/mouse/keyboard.
I would like to also connect the PC to my large LCD tv in my large reception room via HDMI (graphics card has HDMI output) when I require, so will need another mouse and keyboard. It's about 15m of cabling required. I would also still like the option of using the PC in my smaller room as required so would like to leave the current VGA monitor/mouse/keyboard in the smaller room.
I know there must be several ways of doing this. May I call on the experts out there to suggest some? Links to peripherals/cables would be most welcome.
I would like to also connect the PC to my large LCD tv in my large reception room via HDMI (graphics card has HDMI output) when I require, so will need another mouse and keyboard. It's about 15m of cabling required. I would also still like the option of using the PC in my smaller room as required so would like to leave the current VGA monitor/mouse/keyboard in the smaller room.
I know there must be several ways of doing this. May I call on the experts out there to suggest some? Links to peripherals/cables would be most welcome.