Achievement: the Light of Dawn - Raid


In Cryo Sleep
Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well!

Recently I found, much to my delight, that Blizzard didn't remove at all the "Light of Dawn" title from the Heroic LK25 fight!

I was wondering if we could organize a raid to beat the Lich King's frozen butt once more in heroic mode 25 man...

Let me know if you're interested! ^-^


New Member
Ok, 25 man hc must be really hard to achive, but I can and will heal it if we can get it going before 31 March

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
You have my staff. Or sword, and an item I like to hold in my other hand, depending on the amount of numbers contained in the respective items.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question; I know you have to have someone who's completed ICC10 to go into ICC10HC, but does the same hold true for 25? And if so, is there someone about who's done ICC25 on normal in order to get us into Heroic?

Or am I entirely wrong, since they did change the normal/heroic toggle and lockout system a little with 4.0.1 and what I just said might have been invalidated, I don't know.

Regardless, if this actually happens before the 4th of April, I... might... be persuaded to join in.


Well-Known Member
Leaving us for Rift, how could you.. D:

Quite easily; Steam's great for getting games installed and good to go with only a couple of clicks.

Oh, that and me finally burning out on WoW after five years, as well as having sod all to do in the game. Rather unfortunate timing for those two to happen together just as a new and shiny MMO comes along, huh? :p


In Cryo Sleep
I believe we will certainly have someone who has done ICC25 on normal at least. If possible, I want to take as many people as possible so that they can benefit of this opportunity before the title is removed.

What day is best for you people? And time?


In Cryo Sleep
Make sure youve practiced how to scream "GET THE **** OUT OF THE DEFILE" and "WHO THE **** STOOD IN A SHADOW TRAP" down TS.

On a more serious note good luck guys, i remember grinding that fight for ages before cata hit in 10 man hc and it was a bitch. Its a great fight in terms of mechanics looking back at it, but at the time frustrating as fook :/


In Cryo Sleep
I know most of the tactics of LK fight, although I've only fought him twice. And failed.

I've heard everything but the LK is incredibly easy now at 85, but of course... Defile.

Either way, I was thinking maybe 26th March by 19:00? What do people think?
If you want to attend, send an ingame mail to Rifki so I'll add you to the calendar invite thingie.


New Member
Bah, the one weekend I don't think I can make it. I think I have friends round that night.
Maybe the following day, Sunday 27th?
Or, if Saturday only, the following week.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Either way, I was thinking maybe 26th March by 19:00? What do people think?
If you want to attend, send an ingame mail to Rifki so I'll add you to the calendar invite thingie.

Chuck a calendar event up and just invite the entire guild; you're more likely to get noticed that way. :3


In Cryo Sleep
Right, my game time runs out on the Sunday XD But yeah I'll do the calendar inv on Sevda... I might be able to get myself a game card before then


In Cryo Sleep
Dun di dun. Calendar Invite created! Let's hope people are interested and join in. :3


New Member
Here's a video to watch... is gonna be fun :)
If you haven't signed up yet... do eeeet!

ps: raid time 19:00 (server)