Admin approved post deletion.


Active Member
I was just wondering why we cant delete posts(?), since we can edit them to be blank bar 5 characters. This isnt a request to add this if it isnt needed, as this is just a community and not revolving around a developer or service i can see that you wouldnt need self approving post deletions.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Post deletion has two prime issues:

  1. It is disruptive and obfuscating when people have already replied. Replies are a continuous stream and deleting a post part way through a set of replies is bad form. THN Moderators generally avoid deleting posts and instead focus on closing threads if something needs shutting down, with the exception of illegal or substantially offensive content (e.g. pr0n).
  2. Post deletion can break threaded viewing. Some users, notably Admins, use the Threaded View. If a post is deleted part way down a thread, that view breaks. Sure, it's possible to switch back to the default Linear View, but that's both a pain and not necessarily obvious that posts are missing.

The first issue could possibly be managed by a watchful moderation team and soft deletions (i.e. they can be recovered by a Mod/Admin).

The second isn't resolved that way, though.

In summary, deletion isn't going to be turned on for users without some changes in the way vBulletin works. Report Post can be used to identify a post where action is needed, be it moderation, deletion or whatever.

Incidentally, user edits can be reversed by an Admin so the fact that you can edit your post to nil (which is generally considered to be bad etiquette) isn't a serious issue.


Active Member
Well perhaps this just affects me, sometimes i can be compulsive in pressing submit reply when i was better off not replying or taking time to consider the response, and when editing i make this realisation.

As i said at the start though, this wasnt a request, i just found it a little fustrating that i was unable to make it as if i never clicked submit :P

In summary, deletion isn't going to be turned on for users without some changes in the way vBulletin works.
Thanks for the large reply, again not a request, but is it possible to(i stress i am not asking if you can do this, only if the system supports it) delete the last post in a thread if an admin was to agree?

If you want something deleted, click the REPORT POST icon for your own post :)
Ah trax so simple, all those times ive left a post with "delete me/this" as the only msg and now theres a solution :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
is it possible to delete the last post in a thread if an admin was to agree?

Unfortunately not. The closest we'd get would be to put people's messages in a moderation queue, but then all posts would need Admin/Mod approval before they appear and that's clearly a bad idea. Incidentally, that's what happen to guests/unregistered users who try to post...