Adriss on a 6 month...vacation...


In Cryo Sleep
The Haven,

It is now that time. I will be unable to access WoW for the next 6 months as i am going to the middle-east on... vacation... I will be back at some point for a 2 week period but doubt i will find the time to craft, however, not all doom and gloom. Adriss will be back in June '10. In june i should have the next few months off work to return to my old raiding days.

Officer action:- Please set all characters to away please. As at 30 Nov 09.

Guild action:- Please don't let Burrick tank!

Should anyone need anything from my characters Morkar/Nerok will have access.

Good luck



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I hope everything goes smoothly, and that biological waste does not hit air circulation devices at any time! :D

Stay safe. We'll be waiting on you.

Even if you can't play, don't forget to log in to the forums and say hi, from time to time, if at all possible! :)



Hey buddy hope all goes well out there in 3rd world hell!!

Ps Fuck you! im gonna tank like a mother fucker! lol


Active Member
Well, stay safe out there, don't worry about the bullit with your name on it, worry about the shrapnel adressed to "Occupant", never look important enough to be shot, never hide behind anything looking important enough to be shot, and cover your ass, preferably with something like a tank. Or a neutral country.