In Cryo Sleep
---------> Advanced Overviews v1.0 <---------
---> How to install these Overviews <---
*1. Extract the Advanced_Overview.xml file to;
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\EVE\Overview
*2. Run EVE-Online and login, once logged in undock if you aren't already.
*3. Right click on the small white '►' and click on 'Import Overviews'
*4. In the list select 'Advanced_Overview' and load all the saved settings.
*5. Once loaded I will now explain them.
---> Explaination of the Overviews <---
All of the overviews show:
Control Towers
All charges i.e. Bombs
PVP ALL - Shows all types of Player ships, no NPCs
PVP BS - Shows only Battleships and larger
PVP TACKLE - Shows only Assault Ships, Frigates, Interceptors and Interdictors.
PVP DRONES - Shows only drones
PVP ALL-FLEET - This is setup mostly for fleet operations and shows Planets for Alignments
PVE NORMAL - This is used for those doing mission running, shows all that PVP ALL does but
with the addition of NPC ships, handy when ratting.
SALVAGE - Used when salvaging to show wrecks, also shows fleet members due to wrecks being
assigned to fleet from some weird reason!
MINING - Shows all roids when in belts, handy for the miners.
---> Setups <---
Setting up TABS
For easier accessabillity of your different OV setups you can add TABS to your overview.
1. Right click on your default tab
2. Click add tab
3. Type the name of the tab: PVP ALL
4. Select your newly created tab by left clicking on it
5. Right-click the PVP ALL tab
6. Click change overview settings and pick PVP ALL
From now on whenever you click that tab you get your PVP ALL settings in your Overview.
Now repeat the above and add a PVE, PVP DRONES and PVP BS tab.
Instead of the PVP BS tab you can setup another tab to fit more to your role, like PVP TACKLE
Edit it as you want also these are just a bunch of guide lines, I may have also included a bunch more
settings not writen about in this guide which isn't too much to worry about as I believe you can explore
and edit these to your own design.
Source for Overviews and TABs explaination - Advanced_Overview_guide.pdf by Eric Pol
Download Link : EVE Files broken for now.
Thank you Ronin for Sticky.
Nothing much changed in the Overviews only a small fix to Spawn Containers in missions.