Advanced (sort-of) Warning


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Just to give you all some warning that my account expires on the 12th of December and I don't intend to renew it, at least not for some time. I've recently fallen out of love with the game, and I honestly just cannot be bothered to play anymore. I've talked to a few people about this already, and as much as they and I didn't want to see it happen, I'm afraid it has to.

There's alot more to me leaving, including real life issues atm, but without QQing up the thread I just thought I'd let you all know I'll be off in less than 3 weeks and I won't be back for some time.

Good luck with all the raiding, I've heard you've downed Yoggy tonight, so all 10man content in the game is now cleared :)
I'll likely still be lurking about on the forums, and on Xfire, so feel free to poke me if anything is up.

Cheers all, GG.



New Member
Damm dude sad to see you go but, if the game lost its appeal to you it's time to quit. Hope you come back and if not see you around on the forum. Nice playing with you.




Well-Known Member
Pandas have no right to be sad, lazy bastards going extinct 'cause they can't be arsed to breed...

A sad squirrel is far more appropriate.

*sad squirrel*

He was referring to the Sexual Harassment Panda :p


Also, just realised they spelt harassment wrong. Fail SP.