[EVE] Advice for the new EVE player


Junior Administrator
I just found this thread on the EVE forums (I am working, honest...) and thought that it was such an excellent post that I would share it.

It's advice for the new EVE player. I've been in and out of EVE a few times now, and I still consider myself a complete n00b at it - some very good advice in there that everyone should follow :D

Manny theMiner

In Cryo Sleep
That's a great read, and funny too!

I remember reading something in someone's bio similar to:

There are 2 types of EvE players: those addicts that live for EvE and treat it like a lifestyle for several hours a day and have alts and read forums, guides & patch notes... and then there are those players that log in once and while just to have their spaceship blown up by the addicts.

I remember playing Nintendo with my little brother many years ago... We could never play RPGs together (or trade off) because of our different personalities: he likes to run ahead and kill monsters, I like to "stay in that room for an @#$^ing hour looking under every rock".

There's a lot of rocks in EvE. :D


I actually read that post when I started my initial research about if I wanted to play Eve to begin with, and it really sparked my interest coming from WoW myself. WoW is carebears united, EvE the complete opposite.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Short and to the point.
Was fun to read as well.
Good info in there.
Many thanks for posting the link :)

This thread gains Fae's Seal of Approval ;)