I think bob is talking absolute sense when he says what he does. People just seem so inclined to disassemble other people's points of view, and for no apparent reason. Christianity appears to have become a 'hate' figure over the past few years (decades?) just for the reason of ... people wanting to be different? I'm a christian, but I, like bob, also have a good grounding in science and fact. I like to think of it as I take my morals from christianity, I take everything else from fact based around those morals.
In my last year of school, a few of my friends began to speak very openly about their hate of Christianity. I didnt like this at all, it wasnt just a simple 'no, I dont believe in Christianity or god. I like to distance myself from that sort of thing.' It was 'I hate christianity, why the hell would you want to follow that way of life? They are evil, its a good excuse for brainwashing the population. religion causes wars.' and all that nonsense. I'm fed up with all these people picking away at the threads of Christianity because they have nothing better to do.