I said it before and I'll say it again, you did good, especially for your gear. You aren't going to notice too much of change until you're in at least full blues, at which point you'll be able to tailor your gear alot easier.
Although I've told you personally about the enh shammy page at
Elitist Jerks, I'll put the link there for others - that site is gold dust, absolutely brilliant.
Once you get a kind of idea of which stats work best for an enh shaman (shown on that site in fact) you'll be able to figure out a gear upgrade path.
In terms of weapons, aim for slower, high top end damage ones, as they'll make your Windfury hits that much harder, and keeping them slow will mean better overall DPS due to the hidden 3s CD on WF.
The other thing to learn is which totems to drop in which situation, like not dropping Flametongue and WF at the same time
Tbh, its just practise, shaman rotations are cake, for you its just a SS spam with an earth-flame-earth rotation for shocks, ALOT of your damage comes from autoattack damage.
The only other thing I can think of when you get better gear, is that you'll notice massive spikes in threat, especially if you crit, SS crit and WF all at the same time. Theres not much you can do when that happens, its the bane of the enh shammy, just make sure that when you get to that gearing stage, you give the tank alot of threat before you leap in, and try and keep a good amount of threat between you and the tank. With your lock you have a 30% threat allowance over that of the tank before you pull aggro, with a melee class its only 10%, and that can disappear fast with a big string of crits.
Anyways, thats all I can think of, just have a look around on the net, theres loads of theorycraft for enh shaman lying about, just try and absorb as much as possible.