Allright Iilyas...


In Cryo Sleep
After I blocked the obnoxious Barbie image from your signature you had the unspeakable malice to put huge pink *letters* into your sig to have the fresh scars on my eyes break up and start bleeding again.

That did it!

I wrote a Firefox addon that hides the signature under your posts. I put it here (or here for the Greasemonkey version).

Your move!

(In case anyone wonders, NO, I DON'T HAVE MY EFFING WRATH COPY YET! KEEEEL!)


Junior Administrator
What's wrong with her Sig looks perfectly normal coloured to me. May I suggest a large happy pill and Frank Miller comics to give your world a film-noir style outlook that avoids any bright pinks and other Barbiesque colours.


In Cryo Sleep
May I suggest a large happy pill and Frank Miller comics to give your world a film-noir style outlook that avoids any bright pinks and other Barbiesque colours.

A rather excellent idea! I just uploaded a new version which now also reverts all pink text in these forums' thread view to the default text color. Regarding the happy pill, something tells me that finally picking up my copy of WotLK tomorrow will help. Thanks alot for the input there!

wat!!!! dont be so mean u b*tch:mad:

In all fairness, it wasn't me who started it!


In Cryo Sleep
ye well why u go starting a post on it?? its only a sig i put up as a joke..and not hurtin anyone physically...i guess pink shows kinda person i am...bright, lively and nice..but if u rather have dull then thats ur choice..but dont think that blockin my sig matters one bit to me..i still gona be pink and powerful!!:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p


In Cryo Sleep
Hey. I love Iilyas's signature! Where's the code that makes everybody's sig look like that? Let's be equal opportunity here!


In Cryo Sleep
ah would u all stop!!!! so what i like pink im a woman!!! wats wrong with need to go blocking my aint doing any physical damage as far as im concerned..and thank you brad ^^ :)


Well-Known Member
I think they're all just joking about, Iilyas. :p

There's nothing wrong with it. Hell, after I'm out in the sun for a while I turn pink. I could also use this opportunity to take someones mother into account, but I shall refrain.


Junior Administrator
ah would u all stop!!!! so what i like pink im a woman!!!

Is that to say as a man it is wrong to like pink.

NOOOOOOOO my entire wardrobe is ruined.

*waterproofbob now wishes he had any pink clothes to make this even vaguelly true.