Right, thought about making this a poll but decided against it.
When I come back im thinking of bringing one of my alts over from my other server to join Naamoo. The four of them have been updated into my profile, but ill mention them here. I have, at level 80:
Hunter - Ok geared, not really played since patch 3.3 was released or something. Looking forward to the hunter changes though in Cata
Paladin - Retri has become her main spec as there were many tanks in guild. Dont like paladin healing, probably because im used to druid healing. Probs best geared on that server, but already have a level 30ish paladin here on Scarshield...
Warlock - The baby of my 80's, last to be leveled. Affliction. Like the hunter looking forward to the Cata changes. Problem is, he is basically the same as Moo... aka spell caster with dots
Warrior - Arms, I much prefer the mechanics of arms over fury, even though it is a dps loss, not tanked but want to try and learn, but prot will stay offspec.
Im swaying more towards the hunter or the warrior. Personally I don't mind which one I bring over, I just cannot afford to bring them all
Anyone have any thoughts on which would fit better into the guild or is the class that we are lacking, all comments welcome
When I come back im thinking of bringing one of my alts over from my other server to join Naamoo. The four of them have been updated into my profile, but ill mention them here. I have, at level 80:
Hunter - Ok geared, not really played since patch 3.3 was released or something. Looking forward to the hunter changes though in Cata
Paladin - Retri has become her main spec as there were many tanks in guild. Dont like paladin healing, probably because im used to druid healing. Probs best geared on that server, but already have a level 30ish paladin here on Scarshield...
Warlock - The baby of my 80's, last to be leveled. Affliction. Like the hunter looking forward to the Cata changes. Problem is, he is basically the same as Moo... aka spell caster with dots
Warrior - Arms, I much prefer the mechanics of arms over fury, even though it is a dps loss, not tanked but want to try and learn, but prot will stay offspec.
Im swaying more towards the hunter or the warrior. Personally I don't mind which one I bring over, I just cannot afford to bring them all
Anyone have any thoughts on which would fit better into the guild or is the class that we are lacking, all comments welcome