Who here knows anything about AF? I'm a Cowboys fan, and I know Iron Fist is a Phily Eagles supporter, I was just wondering if anyone else enjoyed a bit of NFL.
Maybe we could set up a fantasy league if enough people show interest...
I follow it loosely through my mate, who is a big Seattle Seahawks fan. I like the Atlanta Falcons myself, but mostly because of their colours (Red + White, as a good a reason as any I guess) and also because Michael Vick is an awesome quarterback. I'd certainly like to play in a fantasy league if you get one going.
I'm a big fan of American Football, 49'ers for me , I know they've been dreadful the past couple of years, but there really showing promise this season... It seems all the first draft picks are actually working now .
SgtSafety, also a huge American Football fan, and actually plays O-line for the Glasgow Tigers, although he's never on THN anymore.
I'm always full-back on Offense and either MLB or Strong Safety on Defense. I remember one time we were playing on Maidstone beach, and I got 3 interceptions in 5 plays as SS, then I got 3 sacks as MLB Then their scrimmage line caught onto the fact I was blitzing every time and stopped me.
I'ts an event actually being at the stadium. The fact that it takes so long actually adds to the experience if you're watching it live. Try getting a load of mates round your house this Super Bowl, plenty of beer, beef jerky, nuts and crisps, and you'll have loads of fun, whether you like AF or not. Just have a nap about 7 o'clock or you'll fall asleep have way through!