Gun crime. Such a challenging subject.
Britain has very strict gun laws (air guns and gun replicas are soon to come under firearms laws), but we still have gun crime. According to Home Office statistics, in 2006 there were 50 homicides using a gun, and 5001 injuries involving firearms in England & Wales. According to the Scottish Executive, there were 189 injuries involving firearms and 8 homicides in 2006.
Banning guns doesn't stop gun crime. You think that the gangs doing the shooting all carry licensed firearms? NO.
We need to crack down on the smuggling of illegal firearms between countries. By getting rid of smuggled firearms, you reduce the number of guns on the street by a fair amount, I would imagine.
Gun crime is always going to exist. That's a fact. The duty of the police and the politicians is to reduce the number of people hurt by it as much as possible.
Weapons are dangerous things, yet some people regard handguns as a toy. I know people who carry knives and guns around everywhere. It's scary, frankly, and it's one of the major flaws in our education system. I find it disgusting that in Citizenship we learn about how great the EU is, and how important the Commonwealth is, but we don't learn about how dangerous weapons are, or how bad unprotected sex is.
But I agree with DocBot most of all. We shouldn't forget all the people dying in conflict zones across the world, no matter what side they are on. It's a shame that humans have an urge to compete with each other up to the point where they must kill to win. However, it's human nature, and it's something that we all have to deal with.