An interesting point of view.


In Cryo Sleep
For those who may have missed me saying this on TS, I want to share it with you all.

Think about this. With the exception of Archimonde and Sunwell Plateau we have Experienced EVERYTHING the raiding side of The Burning Crusade has to offer. Not bad for a non-raiding guild, who was struggling to do gruul's lair 5 months ago...


Active Member
Go you guys! I'm happy I got accustomed to Kara, Gruul, Maggy and world bosses and in the final days was no stranger in SSC/TK thanks to Haven. I may not have tried MH/BT, which saddens me greatly, but something is still better than nothing.

And if the Fate wants me to, I will join you in WotLK raiding once again.