An interesting thought.


In Cryo Sleep
What if there are two families. Both familys have two parents, one son and one daughter. So what if one son meets the daughter from the other family and they fall in love or whatever. Then through them the other son and daughter meet and fall in love. So they both want to get married but is this legally/morally possible? I ask this because if couple A got married then if couple B got married they would technically be marrying their brother/sister in law.

Also what if there's two families with divorced single parents who meet and get married. Then one son of the man and one daughter of the woman fall in love and also want to wed. Now technically they're not related but are step-siblings. What about this? Legal? Moral?


Both are legal as neither are incestuous - neither of the children getting married last are related to each other genetically. The key words (in the eye of the law) are step-siblings, and siblings-in-law.

As for morally, I would say both are morally fine, yet society frowns on the second one more then the first. I don't really know why... Try thinking of the two situtations are "chains". The first one has the second marriage couple linked through the first couple getting married: (Son) through other (Son marrying Daughter) marries other (Daughter) (with the links in the chain being showed with ()'s). So there are 2 links in the chain (or 3 is you separate the first couple). The second situtation, however, has only 1 link, the son of the man to the daughter of the woman. Now, its not illegal, but thats not the way that society (ie, gossip) works I suppose...

Either way, I think both are fine. Neither are blood-relatives, so whats the harm?


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with elDiablo, they're both legally and morally fine as the couples are not physically related, only by formality really.
The interesting thing though would be, if let's say someone marries someone only later to find out they are in fact their long lost brother/sister (even mother/father in some cases). I'm sure I read something like that ages ago :eek:

Oh and what do you think of marrying one's cousin?


In Cryo Sleep
MoTo^ said:
and what do you think of marrying one's cousin?

Depens how hot they are.

LOL jking nah thats fucking wrong you should never even think of marry family even if they are step sisters thats just fucking sick.


I dunno, step-sisters... They aren't blood relatives, its not exactly family if you ask me!

Still, cousins, na =/


In Cryo Sleep
I have no problem with either of those situations, it's all in the bloodline. Marrying family though, is more tricky... What if you really love one another? There's nothing to rule that out. I wouldn't feel comfortable with it personally but if two people do it what reason would i have to condemn it?


In Cryo Sleep
Pestcontrol said:
...Marrying family though, is more tricky... What if you really love one another? ...

I hope you're referring to outside you're immediate family, as in not brothers and sisters!! But otherwise I think I'm with you, couldn't imagine doing it myself but if someone else really wants to I don't see why not. A lot of cultures have no problem with this as well.


In Cryo Sleep
I'm not even sure it's that much different for next of kin like brothers or sisters, it's even harder to imagine, and less likely to happen, yes, but what if you really do genuinely love eachother? Maybe i'm missing a point as i don't have any brothers or sisters, but right now i can't think of any purely rational objections as long as you don't have children.


In Cryo Sleep
Because, Brothers and sisters have a bond, a trust one which will probs never be brokewn, but they were not meant to go out with each other!


New Member
Pestcontrol said:
Marrying family though, is more tricky... What if you really love one another? There's nothing to rule that out. I wouldn't feel comfortable with it personally but if two people do it what reason would i have to condemn it?

It leads to all sorts of tricky problems with in-breeding and deformities of various types further down the line. It's difficult, but in my opinion the law is right here.


In Cryo Sleep
Yes, perhaps i wasn't clear enough but i do agree it's not responsible to have children in such a situation. Doesn't prevent you from being a couple and marrying, though.


In Cryo Sleep
yup it is legal and possible as they r not blood related jst legally they r related its hard 2 contemplate though wood u morally marry ur sister in law??? i think it all depends on how mch u love them and if u could handle the trauma of ur friends and family-in-laws tauntin :rolleyes: