An open letter to Lily Allen on the subject of illegal firesharing in song form.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Ok, so... time to be disconnected...

I googled the Lilly Allen, but I am still unenlightened.

What is it?



In Cryo Sleep
She's a "pop star" in the UK. Technically she is both popular and very good but I find her music a bit...lacking in most places. However, saying that I find the lyrics to the song "The Fear" quite good.

Now for the why. She has recently joined a group of UK musicians who are trying to decide what kind of punishment should be given for people who download mp3's illegally. Even before this she has a reputation for being vocal about almost everything and so shes combined these two and a lot of people have lost interest in the integrity of this council now.

Hope this explains.


New Member
"When you're between the devil and the deep blue sea, you need to stop worrying about pirates"
WIN! :p


Just been listening to this, and actually, I love it!

Good link.