[EVE] Angeic joining


Active Member
Hello people,
yesterday I have downloaded EVE, popped the trial account, played for a couple of hours and joined our corporation. I'm looking forward to playing with you and all the awesome things I will learn - and there is MUCH for me to learn. I'm not much of a fighter, but we will see about that.

In the meantime, what should I focus on - missions, mining, fighting...? I really don't know that much about the game, so any advice on your part will be always welcome.

Also I imagine there is not much I can do for our corp being a newborn, but if there is, please tell me too.

Happy hunting everyone!


P.S.: Aaaand I misspelled my name in the topic name. Awesome.


Junior Administrator
Hey awesome glad to hear it. As far as what you can do it is entirely up to you. There's a huge amount of different ways to go with the game. I personally went straight for a missioning and fighting and if you are wanting to do some low lvl missions both me and Trax have just got Tech2 frigates so can come and help you. I'll let either Trax or Iron Fist talk about the industrial/mining side.

The first thing you want to do is get some of the Learning skills trained as getting those out of the way means all your other skills will train much faster.


In Cryo Sleep
Hmmm same situation here really, downloaded the trial and getting my feet wet...not sure its worth joining the corporation till I decide whether to keep playing but would be nice to have someone to shout to when I get baffled (something that seems to happen a lot to a newb in eve if my experience is anything to go by :) )


Junior Administrator
Trax and Iron Fist and BiG D are still going strong and there are loads of us on here that know our stuff.

Shout if you need help


Junior Administrator
What's your in-game name? For security reasons we can't post our private chat channels on these public forums ;)