Angelic going, going, gone


Active Member
What up, homies?

As you have surely noticed long time ago, I don't come online anymore. It's not because I ditched you in favour of some god forsaken alt or something, it's simply because I stopped playing. Nothing that would come from my own will, mind you, no resolutions or other dubious things, but as the medical school has finally started for me I find myself either at school, on the public transport or at home eating/sleeping/studying. There really is no time for WoW or any other games for that matter.

When I find myself less stressed and with more free time, I will quite probably reappear and rejoin you lot running around Azeroth/Outlands, but not until then - and this "then" probably means next autumn when I'm done with my first year. Might be much sooner, though, if they decide I suck too much and am not worth the second semestre :)

So, good luck to you all, plenty of fun, nice loot, new friends, old friends and most of all, TIME, as without it you're done for. Like I am.

See you all in the afterlife, suckers ;)

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
Med school? Well, that's certainly a persuasive reason to stop playing! When you're thinking about coming back, just shout out, and maybe we'll see you on Teamspeak and on the forums once in a while till then?

Have fun with the med school, mate :)


In Cryo Sleep
awwwww angelic:(:(...sad to hear ur leaving...but it is for a good reason and i hope you do well in med school and best wishes from me and nero in your future:) until we meet again then adios amigo:):)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, mate, :)

Sorry to see you go, but good luck with that. :) And if, yes, WoW does take up too much time, you should take care to not let go of gaming altogether.

Gaming is the goal of the game, I always say! :)



In Cryo Sleep
Wow! Med school! And i thought everyone who played world of warcraft became brain washed and thick!... Perhaps thats just me.:D

Pop in some time and tell us how ya doing.

Good luck matey!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
That's our 2nd doctor to be then :D Docbot isn't a swedish chef you know.


In Cryo Sleep
Pity you're leaving mate. Also from me all the best wishes for your RL healer career. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Med school. Very impressive! Well you are welcome back whenever you come return to WoW, Angelic :)

I wish you the best of luck and hoping all goes well!

See you when you get back!


Active Member
...or not. I might be back soon, levelling Angi to 80 at a very casual speed. I don't know. It just feels, like I waste so much time in front of the screen anyway that I could play WoW without a problem, provided I cut back on Facebook and the like. And it might make me focus harder during the time I actually study, not leave the desk in my kitchen every fifteen minutes just to check the FB homepage and get stuck there for half and hour :)

Well, who knows. You might see me around.


Junior Administrator
...or not. I might be back soon, levelling angi to 80 at a very casual speed. I don't know. It just feels, like i waste so much time in front of the screen anyway that i could play wow without a problem, provided i cut back on facebook and the like. And it might make me focus harder during the time i actually study, not leave the desk in my kitchen every fifteen minutes just to check the fb homepage and get stuck there for half and hour :)

well, who knows. You might see me around.

DO IT NOW!!!!!

You know you want to


In Cryo Sleep
Anakin - "Chanceler, where can I learn such power?"
Chanceler - "Not from Facebook"

Get leveling, ya nab!