Announcement: The case of the Guild Bank Theft


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

As many of you have realised at the time, about htree weeks ago, Tingham, the character, withdrew a sizable quantity of money out of the guild bank.

Because people will talk when they don't know what's going on, consider the following to be an official announcement by the guild officers:

Tingham, the player, is innocent of these events. His account was hacked. He has since strengthened his account security and has been working with the Blizzard GM staff to try to trace and recover the money.

Personally, I don't feel that he needs to "prove" anything, in this regard. My confidence in his word is enough. However, Tingham has personally asked me to include records of a couple of his conversations with the GMs, just so that the guild at large can be assured that we're not making this shit up. :)

In any case, I offer the following links in the spirit that they were given:


P.S. I briefly considered closing this thread, but the truth is, if there's any discussion to be had, I'd rather have it out here in the open than in /w's all over the place. Ting, I'm sure you agree. :)


In Cryo Sleep
All know it was Liez who hacked his account. Raz has already removed that bastard from the guild, right Raz?


New Member
This is just nonsence why does tinghamoo have to prove himself? its worse enough that he is hacked so in my opinion he has nothing 2 prove:S

For the guild money go around with the hat :Dand get some goldars 2gether to get a good amount of money in the gb.




In Cryo Sleep
I too trust Tingham as much as the next guy does, but there's something very disturbing in the second GM convo:

"... I've taken all the necessary and advised steps. Password, authenticator, etc. ..."

I'm just gonna assume that Ting didn't actually have an authenticator active on his account. Because if he did, it follows that someone who had physical access to his authenticator and knew his password did The Deed (tm) as the authenticator method is cryptographically secure.