Another Crazy Idea from The Doc.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Well I was running through Naxx 10 on Tuesday, and titles like 'The Undying' were brought up and it got me thinking;

Why not have some achievement runs going?

Naxx 10, there are a lot of achievements which could provide some entertainment, or at the very least, a good clap on the back when it's done; or some that people don't have for small, silly reasons. For instance;

Naxx 10:
Spore Loser? Stupidly long and boring, and the crit is definitely worth a lot of DPS, but a solid 10 man could get it down, surely.

THe Hundred Club: For the past two weeks we've successfully done this with an alts/gearing up group. Should be easy for us by now.

OS10: Gotta go when the Volcano blows.
Now this one got me thinking, because this is when the balls of lava rain down, and I've browsed a little too. It's an individual achievement, based on incredible luck, reaction timings, and latency.

So I figured, why don't we get a group where say, 2-3 members jump in the lava, and the rest kill the boss. The three dead will automatically gain the achievement, and the rest have a small chance.

((I can't remember the name right now, but the Scions one))
As a caster class, I stand NO chance of getting this achivement, so it would be nice to go on a run where I could get this.

These of course are just ideas, as is this whole post, but I'd like some feedback.


Junior Administrator
I organised a run a (long) while ago where we 8-manned naxx10 to get the achievement for it (can't remember the name OMG).

Due to Ari failing hard on Thaddius (joke) we 7-manned him with about a minute to spare IIRC.

The biggest problem i think we had was 4 horsemen, but it all worked out in the end and we got the title :)


New Member
I would really like some Naxx 10 achievement runs, since I really like the achievement :P
I'll be very interested in the achievement: The dedicated few ( in which you need to do Naxx 10 man with 8 man (or less :|) )


In Cryo Sleep
this could actually solve our problem, since we can't get enough ppl to do a second full 10-man :D i'm up for it (hopefully i'll be sober enough to go today :P )


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ey, :)

This is a Way Cool Idea(tm)! :)

Go sign up for Angelic's event and twist his arm into doing this. ;)



Active Member
Like Zooggy said, go sign up for the raid I'll be leading tonight and we can talk about this ;)

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Aww damnit. I cannot do any raiding this weekend, I'm out of town helping a charity event (Dog's Trust) with their open day, but possibly next weekend or sometime during the week. This could be an ongoing thing, with different sets of members going for different achievements. I don't know. Either way, good luck tonight guys.