Answer Time (Question Time redux)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
There's got to be a definitive set of places one can find answers to stuff in the world. Where do you find your answers?

Personally, I use:

That sorts me for a lot of questions I want answered. Of course, there's the ubiquitous Google, but I use that to find places to answer questions, rather than answer questions themselves (except for data conversion, e.g. litres to pints).


In Cryo Sleep
If you've got the keys:

Web of Knowledge

All you ever wanted to know about science, in the form of journals!!!

(Though it kind of only provides abstracts, what ever underhand ways you use to aquire the actual papers is up to you :p)


Web of Science (same as Web of Knowledge) lets me download full articles that I have access to, given by my uni! \o/



hehe I usually just type it in Google or alternatively Wikipedia - as thats usually the top link you get in Google anyway.


New Member
Usually the haven net actually! If it's a quick question, good old Wiki nearly always has it.

Fuzzy Bunny

Wikipedia or Google. I also browse Wikipedia for fun :eek: There's all sorts of neat things on there.


Staff member
I get answers from wikipedia, same as you. IMDB is nice as well, but then we have the more specific questions -

NCBI is a treasure trove of information; PubMed lets you search for published articles in the medicinal field, in BLAST you can find out where that gene you found in your pcr lab came from ( :P ) and OMIM is good for checking out which diseases are cause by what mutations.

OECD is good for economics.

Eurostat gives you the european statistics you've been dying to shove down someone's throat ;).