In case anyone does in fact care, I managed to wrench the files off the DVD on my GNU/Linux laptop. I also have the final explanation why Nero's machine wouldn't recognize the disc at all:
Those steaming homosexuals used the UDF file system, the support for which is dodgy at best on most consumer desktops. They did it probably after realizing that some of their MPQs ended up being larger than 2 GB, exceeding the file size limit for the most common ISO implementations. To not have everyone point and laugh at them they even decided to *hide* the files on the DVD.
This supports my theory that there are only 2 types of people at Blizz. One type is the utter genius who only works at Blizz because they were offering more cash than NASA. The other is a complete nutjob who if not employed by Blizz would roam the streets bullying people for beer and beating up homeless people.