Any PUG's on SSL?


Staff member
I'm slowly levelling stabby haven and its all a bit quiet when I've been bimbling around. Just wondering if anyone does any PUGS these days as I'm looking for non heroic, heroic and potential 10 man raid stuffs once he's all grown up and padded enough to take it?

Any suggestions welcome, last time I was on in DragonBlight there was one other person (alliance) in the entire zone ... and yes I did try to find them to say hello >_<


Well-Known Member
I think you mean Horde... or did you mean "hello...stab stab stab?"

To answer your question, there are often PUGs advertising for people, but the few i've been in have been a very mixed bag. Had some decent heroic PUGs, but raids? the less said the better... the serious raiders are in guilds, and there aren't enough decent casuals on a server with a low pop like SSL to make for good raid PUGs.


In Cryo Sleep
There is one exception for that; VoA pugs can be pretty decent, although the best are usually guild runs that are a few people short. (From decent guilds, of course.) ;)


In Cryo Sleep
I've been in plenty of good Naxx, VoA, and OS PUG runs, and even a couple of successful EoE PUGs. Some of these PUG runs have been better than our own guild runs. So yeah, it's out there.


In my experience there has not been one, not even one lousy PuG full clear. Maybe eventually after a fest of wipes.
But that was before I joined a raid guild like THN.

If you are looking for a PuG raid, SSL is not your place to be.


Well to be honest i have had good and bad pugs bus as the rest said they are out there ... On a brighter note if you ever need a healer or dps just give me a shout even if its for a much lower level or just a boost im always around in the evenings :)