Junior Administrator
OK, My situation is this. I want to use the steam sale and buddy program in eve to get cheaper eve for myself (£3.75 rather than £10 ish for a month). Using the buddy program I can send an invite and then providing that person pays to play I get a free month. Now I currently have 3 main accounts I'm using and 2 more that I have created new steam accounts to be able to buddy to to be able to use this feature.
As such I don't want to create even more. What I am asking to see is if there is anyone out there that wants to try out the game for 54 days. I will buy the games and gift them to you through steam on the provision that you create the account through the buddy email I will also send you. Essentially all you'll need to do is create a trial account from the buddy email then verify the steam purchase to that account. You get 54 free days of eve for nothing and I get 30days for < £4.
Or even if you would be willing to lend me a hand and do this you don't even need to play if you don't want to. Or to the current eve bunch, anyone want a 54 day research alt
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As such I don't want to create even more. What I am asking to see is if there is anyone out there that wants to try out the game for 54 days. I will buy the games and gift them to you through steam on the provision that you create the account through the buddy email I will also send you. Essentially all you'll need to do is create a trial account from the buddy email then verify the steam purchase to that account. You get 54 free days of eve for nothing and I get 30days for < £4.
Or even if you would be willing to lend me a hand and do this you don't even need to play if you don't want to. Or to the current eve bunch, anyone want a 54 day research alt
Post if interested